- Jollen-Kit! 2006 是非常積極進行中的專案,所有紀錄與更新將同步揭示於本網頁。 快速下載 U-Boot 的 binary code:U-Boot binary - 2006/01/03 linux kernel 2.4.18 for jk2410:uimage.img - 2006/01/06 可開機的 Base root filesystem: urootfs.img -2006/01/07 (without tftp)
- 这篇文档介绍在linux下用gnu工具集开发ARM程序的一个机理-This document describes the use of gnu linux development tool set procedures for an ARM Mechanism
- Uclinux是当前广泛应用的一种嵌入式linux操作系统,是一个完全符合gnu/GPL公约的项目,与UNIX完全兼容,完全开放源码。英文单词中u表示Micro,c表示control,所以Uclinux的意思是“微控制领域的linux系统”。 Uclinux针对嵌入式应用的特点,对linux的内核(所用版本为linux2.6)进行了修改和重新编译,其大小远小于原来。它包含linux常用的API,保留了原来linux操作系统具有的高稳定性、强大的网络功能和卓越的文件系统支持功能等优点。
- ARM Cross Development with Eclipse. Eclispe is IDE environment which can work on different platforms - linux, Windows etc. The manual explains how to configure the eclipse to use a gnu arm cross compiler and set up a complete Development enviro
- 用以开发浏览器插件,可以用在各种平台上,比如mozilla,webkit,等等。 -For the development of browser plug-ins can be used in a variety of platforms, such as mozilla, webkit, and so on.
- 自己整理的关于gnu arm入门资料,包括下面的文件: An Introduction to the gnu Assembler.pdf ARM gnu Assembly Programming Basic.doc gnu ARM Assembler Quick Reference.pdf gnu ARM汇编快速入门 .doc Using as.pdf 从ARMASM汇编到gnu ARM ASM汇编.doc-I collected some useful files fo
- 很好用的linux-android交叉编译工具链,可以用来浮点运算和编译.so库来供android JAVA端来调用!-Very good use of the linux-android cross compiler tool chain, can be used for floating point operations and compilation of the.So library for Android JAVA end to call!
- GDB是gnu开源组织发布的一个强大的UNIX下的程序调试工具。或许,各位比较喜欢那种图形界面方式的,像VC、BCB等IDE的调试,但如果你是在 UNIX平台下做软件,你会发现GDB这个调试工具有比VC、BCB的图形化调试器更强大的功能。所谓“寸有所长,尺有所短”就是这个道理。-GDB is the gnu open-source organizations, released under a powerful debugging tool for UNIX. Perhaps you prefe
- usefull documents for arm development : ARM linux, ARM JTAG, gnu make, H-Jtag, Keil and C documents
- Embedded linux programing for training includes Process, Thread, IPC, Shell and Make manual of gnu
- ARM cross development with gnu Toolchain and Eclipse Pro linux Embedded Systems-ARM cross development with gnu Toolchain and Eclipse Pro linux Embedded Systems
- 可以在arm环境下运行的ucos移植版本,需要使用arm-linux-gcc编译编译。-Environment in the arm running ucos portable version to use arm-linux-gcc compiler compiler.
- Sofia-SIP is an open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification (see the feature table). It can be used as a building block for SIP client software for uses such as VoIP, IM, and many other real-time and person-to-pe
- 这是工作的实施已测试的分数延迟线 在dsPIC音频套件,并在PC上运行的gnu / linux操作系统,采用开放式音响系统音频驱动,但它可能在任何定期DSP,因为它在C语言编写的工作。这一段代码可以作为建筑块,做其他影响,如合唱,镶边,回声等-This is a working implementation of a fractional delay line in C. It has been tested in the dsPIC audio kit, and in a
- Imote2 IIB400 Camera capture program compiled in arm-xscale-linux-gnu-gcc, run ./capture. Capture.c is the source code, I changed video2dev.h location for my compiler. BTW I got the C source code from University.
- gnu linux Application Programming Guide
- Linphone is an open source SIP Phone, available on mobile and desktop environments (iOS, Android, gnu/linux, MAC OSX, Windows Desktop, Windows 10 UWP). Linphone has inside a separation between the user interfaces and the core engine, allowing to c
- ucos移植到2440开发板上,采用gnu编译(arm-linux-gcc)。(UCOS ported to the 2440 development board, using gnu compiler (arm-linux-gcc).)
- ucos移植到mips,采用gnu编译环境(mips-linux-gcc)(UCOS ported to MIPs, using the gnu compiler environment (mips-linux-gcc))
- The gnu C Library project provides the core libraries for the gnu system and gnu/linux systems, as well as many other systems that use linux as the kernel. These libraries provide critical APIs including ISO C11, POSIX.1-2008, BSD, OS-specific APIs a