- MSP430-JTAG-Adapter:MSP430-JTAG doesn’t need external power supply, as MSP430 microcontrollers require only 3-5 mA while programming and all necessary power supply is taken from the LPT port.-MSP430 - JTAG-Adapter : MSP430 - JTAG does not need exte
- * DEFINITION * This a set of math functions that deal with time. The functions accept * 4-digit time values and 4-digit time of day values. Time values are * interpreted as hours-minutes and are valid if all digits are numeric and * 9 or
- Hard-decision decoding scheme Codeword length (n) : 31 symbols. Message length (k) : 19 symbols. Error correction capability (t) : 6 symbols One symbol represents 5 bit. Uses GF(2^5) with primitive polynomial p(x) = X^5 X^2 + 1
- Embest Arm EduKit II Evaluation Board External Interrupt Test Example Please Select the trigger: 1 - Falling trigger 2 - Rising trigger 3 - Both Edge trigger 4 - Low level trigger 5 - High level trigger any key to exit...
- This is an program for the MB90460 series. It initializes the output compare units0-5. Also the 16bit Free RunningTimer. -This is an program for the MB90460 series. I t initializes the output compare units0-5. Als o Free RunningTimer the 16bit.
- 运行: 像主点的空间坐标为 Xs=39795.5 Ys=27476.5 Zs=7572.69 t=-0.00398693 w=0.00211391 k=-0.067578
- flash programming STI DCU3,flash programming STI DCU3
- 其乐达(Cheertek)LCD驱动芯片(CT675)的C51源代码,代码结构清晰,可读性强。该芯片整合了Video-Decoder, Scalar, T-con及LED Backlight Driver,可驱动3.5~10.2”模拟/数字屏;接收输入信号CVBS/S-video/RGB/YCbCr/CCIR656。目前该方案主要应用产品有Portable DVD/Portable TV/Car TV/数码相框/可视门铃等中小尺寸视频产品。,Cheertek (Cheertek) LCD Dri
- freescale dz60. LED1,2初始亮度为5 . 通过串口 输入指令 0x61 调节LED1的亮度为95 .输入指令 0x62,LED2亮度为95 ,同时LED1恢复为5 .-MCU:freescale dz60 Function: Brightness of 2 LED can be adjusted by input PWM signal. The PWM signal can be changed by SCI instruction.
- 90 days test drive serial number for VisualDSP++ 5.0 prod. by Analog Devices. This is the only serial that AD gives to anyone who download VisualDSP++ for testing. Dev environment will fully work only 90 days, after that you: - buy it and work furt
- linux 下 arm 交叉编译工具: arm-linux-gcc-3.4.5 支持软件浮点运算,-arm cross-compiler under linux: arm-linux-gcc-3.4.5
- 用verilog实现数字频率计的设计,具有自动换挡功能,采用t法和m法设计,低频显示周期。量程为0.5~10Mhz。开发环境为quartus-This is a method of designing a digital frequency-measuring device. It can measure frequency ranging from 0.5Hz to 10MHz. It is developed in the program of Quartus.
- 水温控制系统 (1)可键盘设定控制温度值,并能用液晶显示,显示最小区分度为0.1℃; (2)可以测量并显示水的实际温度。温度测量误差在±0.5 ℃内; (3)水温控制系统应具有全量程(10℃—70℃)内的升温、降温功能(降温可用半导体制冷片、升温用800W以内的电加热器); (4)在全量程内任意设定一个温度值(例如起始温度±15℃内),控制系统可以实现该给定温度的恒值自动控制。控制的最大动态误差≤±4℃,静态误差≤±1℃,系统达到稳态的时间≤15min(最少两个波动周期)。
- uS延时函数,含有输入参数 unsigned char t,无返回值 unsigned char 是定义无符号字符变量,其值的范围是 0~255 这里使用晶振12M,精确延时请使用汇编,大致延时 长度如下 T=tx2+5 uS -uS delay function, with input parameters unsigned char t, unsigned char has no return value is defined unsigned char variable,
- 数字频率计的设计,1.频率测量范围:1Hz—9999Hz。 2.数字显示位数:4位数字显示。3.被测信号幅度Ui=0.5—5V(正弦波、三角波、方波)。4.测量时间:t≤1.5S-The design of digital frequency meter, 1. Frequency Range: 1Hz-9999Hz. 2. Digital Display digits: 4-digit display. 3. The measured signal amplitude Ui = 0.5-5
- P1口做输入口,接八个拨码开关,以P0口做输出口,接八只发光二极管,(1)编写程序使发光二极管循环点亮。(2)读取开关状态,在二极管上显示出来。 1、根据要求设计接口电路的接线。 2、编写程序使发光二极管循环点亮,时间变化间隔0.5秒 3、编写程序读取开关状态,在二极管上显示出来。 - #include <reg51.h> #define LED P1 //宏定义,使用LED代替P1口(相当于LED=P1) #define ucha
- 基于MSP430FG4612的CC1101无线通信程序,发送端:2s的唤醒帧(无数据包),延时20ms,数据发送一个14字节的数据包(若加上第一个len字节则整个包为15字节),其中第5个字节每发一次累加,延时1S。重复此过程;接收端:默认为CS RSSI,接受数据,并将第5个数据显示在LCD上。在接收端开1S的定时,若无数据包,则转为LPM3。-Based on the MSP430FG4612 CC1101 wireless communication program, the sender
- 1)能够测量正弦波、三角波、锯齿波、矩形波等周期性信号的频率; 2)能直接用十进制数字显示测得的频率; 3)频率测量范围:1HZ~10KHZ切量程能自动切换; 4)输入信号幅度范围为0.5~5V,要求一起自动适应; 5)测量时间:T〈=1.5S;6)用CPLD/FPGA可编程逻辑器件实现 -1) capable of measuring the frequency of the sine wave, triangle wave, sawtooth wave, rectangular wave p
- t is consisted of temperature sensors, touch sensors , nixie tube , LCD screen . The temperature can be measured . The experience is . It is resulted that measurement precision is 0.5 meeting with the request of bottles for measuring the temperature
EtherCAT :GB T 31230.5-2014
- 工业以太网现场总线EtherCAT 第5部分:应用层服务定义(GB T 31230.5-2014)(Chinese version national standard of EtherCAT)