- 8051微控制器上的 DES encryption/decryption used in IC smart cards. Software hasn t been validated and lacks in-line documentation.-8051 Microcontrollers on the DES encryption / decryption us ed in IC smart cards. Software hasn t been valida ted and lacks i
- Decoding most of the infrared signals can be easily handled by PIC16C5X microcontrollers. This application note describes how this decoding may be done. The only mandatory hardware for decoding IR signals is an infrared receiver. The use of t
- 学好《电子线路》这门课程,不仅需要有扎实的电路分析和信号与系统等专业基础知识,还需要在学习过 程中加入单元或系统电路的实验环节,这样才能完成整个电路的设计。介绍如何在电路的理论设计基础之上,以 Multisim X 这一仿真软件为实验平台,仿照硬件环境来完成电路的最终设计的。-Abstract :To obtain a good knowledge of the“elect ronic circuit”curriculum it needs to have the basic cours