- arm挂接led屏时对图像真彩全彩的灰度扫描时会有彩色失真问题,用此伽玛曲线数值表修正,可复原原有色彩-articulated arm led screen color images on the full-color scanning color distortion when there will be problems, gamma curve with this numerical tables that can recover the original colors
- 大厦LED流水显示的程序,刚刚编完,可通过修改循环的次数和数据表来构成不同的显示效果-LED shows the procedure, the newly produced, cycle through changes in the number and composition of data tables show different results
- 编写程序控制8255A可编程并行接口芯片,使实验台上的红、绿、黄发光二极管按照十字路*通信号灯的规律交替发光。当按下任意键则停止运行,返回DOS。-preparation process control 8255A programmable parallel interface chip, lab tables in red, green, Huang LED traffic lights in accordance with the crossroads of the law turn lu
- 飞利浦RC522芯片源代码。该芯片主要针对三表市场和手持设备,支持I2C/SPI/UART接口。 先发布基于普通51单片机的驱动源代码,采用串口接口,无需中断。只要接一个串口,后续会发布基于飞利浦LPC9401的读写源代码!LPC9401也是基于51核,只需连接SPI接口!有公司拿这个源代码卖钱哟-Philips RC522 chip source. The chip targeted at three tables and handheld devices market, support
- 完整的ALTERA MAXⅡEPM570试验板资料,包括原理图和PCB图,BOM表,可以直接做板。,Complete ALTERA MAX Ⅱ EPM570 test boards, including schematic and PCB diagram, BOM tables, plates can be directly done.
- 瑞星微公司RK27XX系列芯片所设计出来的CMMB整机硬件原理图和PCB,BOM表和芯片的手册等等;-Rising Micro Inc. RK27XX series of chips designed by the CMMB machine hardware schematic and PCB, BOM tables and chips manuals, etc.
- 4个工业仪表控件,圆表,LED数显,实时曲线,报警显示-4 industrial instrumentation control, round tables, LED digital display, real-time curve, alarm display
- PCB设计铜铂厚度、线宽和电流关系表,公司内部文件-PCB design copper platinum thickness, width and current relationship between the tables, the company internal documents
- 用AT89C51制作的99秒跑马表,适合初学者学习单片机-AT89C51 produced with 99 seconds Happy tables, suitable for beginners to learn single-chip
- 设计并制作一个采用IC卡的单相电子式预付费电度表。(1)电能计量准确,精度高,至少达到二级表(误差为2 )的精度。(2)IC卡的保密性高。(3)电度表正常工作时,能显示剩余电能值,已用电能值,使用户直观地了解电度表的工作是否正常及用电负荷的大小。(4)具有掉电保护功能。-Design and the use of IC cards to produce a single-phase electronic prepaid watt-hour meter. (1) accurate power me
- 能谱仪VC++6.0软件个人设计是由本人2009年05月开发的γ能谱仪VC++6.0软件 不过由于我是初次接触VC,很多语句调用和逻辑算法都还是新手阶段,请勿见笑 本软件包括 1.调用MFC控件接受串口数据包(数据包为附件中通讯协议规定) 2.调用pDC绘图(绘制表格和谱线) 3.实时采集数据并处理(处理部分其实还没写好) 4.调用WINDOWS系统的OFFICE控件将采集到的数据保存到EXCEL(由于我不会建立文件夹,所以在运行前,必须在C盘建立一个文件夹“collec
- The LatticeMico8™ is an 8-bit microcontroller optimized for Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Crossover Programmable Logic Device architectures from Lattice. Combining a full 18-bit wide instruction set with 16 or 32 General Purpose r
- 0~3V电压测量表 基于凌阳板的数字电压表 采集电压经LCD显示出来,并语音提示电压值-0 ~ 3V voltage measurement tables based on the Sunplus board collection of digital voltage meter voltage displayed by the LCD and voice prompts Voltage
- 随着饭店业的发展,及传统的手工记录订桌信息的不方便,使得我们要改进传统预定凡是,开发一个单机版的餐馆预定系统,这样来改进餐馆以往管理的繁琐,同时能够提供一些统计机制,让餐馆管理人员能够快速统计处餐馆的运营情况,对营业额等数据很方便通过该系统获得。-With the hotel industry, and the traditional manual record is not convenient set of tables of information, allows us all to im
- 使用ARM 中内存管理单元MMU 部件提供的功能, 分析了ARM MMU 中所创建的页和页表的特点、 类型, 给出页表中不同描述符的类型格式以及使用一级页表和二级页表将虚拟地址转换为物理地址的方法和 过-To use the funct ion of the memo ry management unit, th is paper analyzes the characters, types of pages and page tables in ARM MMU , gives th
- 51单片机存储结构的详细描述,可以作为工作手册或学习用表-51 single-chip storage of the detailed descr iption of the structure can be used as manual work or learning to use tables
- 一大堆,有很多的公能,都是老师的,有表,有电压表,有密码锁-A lot, there are a lot of public performance, is also a teacher, there are tables, there are voltage meter, there are lock
- 本代码可以用于产生正余弦信号波形,利用FPGA内部的ROM放置一个正余弦采样点的数据表格,通过循环取址的方法,实现波形连续输出。-This code can be used to generate positive cosine signal waveforms, using FPGA' s internal ROM to place a sampling point is the cosine of the data tables, the circulation method of t
- 利用qt进行文本表格制作,运行在linux环境中。-Use qt for text tables produced
- How to Create Database Tables from Excel Spreadsheets. Once in Excel format Powerbuilder s Data Pipeline can be used to build database tables from the Excel spreadsheets. Once the tables are in the database, Datawindows can be easily built to combine