- minimal python variant for small footprint apps like embedded apps
- The DVI Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) algorithm was first described in an IMA recommendation on audio formats and conversion practices [1]. ADPCM is a transformation that encodes 16-bit audio as 4 bits (a 4:1 compression ratio).
- TSA5055 PLL with any 8051 variant
- Hamming codes are a class of binary linear codes. They can detect up to two simultaneous bit errors, and correct single-bit errors. In particular, a single-error-correcting and double error detecting variant commonly referred to SECDED.-a) Develop a
- 使用火牛MP3完美版程序时先将本目录下,拷贝到SD卡的文件内的 sys lrc Miuse 三个文件夹拷贝到SD卡根目录下。 sys 存放的是系统所需的字库文件 lrc 存放的是歌词文件 添加新歌词请存放到此目录下。 Music 存放的是MP3文件。添加新歌曲请存放到此目录下。 用户第一次烧写此MP3程序时,本程序会将SD卡内的字库文件写入板上的串行FLASH内,第一次启动程序会很慢。写完后以后一开机就直接进入MP3程序了。只要写过字库一上电就到MP3程序。 火牛MP3
- 有限状态机的一个变种,建立在模糊逻辑的概念之上,一般定义为“被扩展来处理部分真相概念的传统逻辑(bool 逻辑)的超集”。应该注意,虽然FuSM建立在模糊逻辑概念之上,但不代表是实实在在的模糊系统-A variant of finite state machine, based on the fuzzy logic based on the concept, generally defined as " to be extended to handle some of the truth
- 1 接口调度 可以不使用头文件,调用接口的函数 2 接口调度相关 BSTR-字符串类型 VARIANT-可变类型 SAFEARRAY-安全数组 IDispatch接口-实现接口调度的接口- An interface to scheduling You can not use the header files, a function call interface 2 interface scheduling related
- 关于FTDI s D2XX 系列芯片的 win CE环境操作演示-This variant of FTDI s D2XX Access program for Windows CE uses C++ to list devices, return descr iption strings, open devices, set Baud rates, read data and write data.
- This family reference manual section is meant to serve as a complement to devicedata sheets. Depending on the device variant, this manual section may not applyto all dsPIC33F/PIC24H devices.
- 代码包含了3个针对cortex-M1内核CPU的实例。他们使用的是“microlib“C库变异的大小最小化了图像,见3章(“C微库”)在rvct图书馆指南为进一步的信息。-contains a number of Examples targeted to the Cortex-M1. They are built using the microlib C library variant to minimize the size of the image. See Chapter 3
- STM32实时时钟功能的标准库实现首先是bsp驱动,包括初始化函数RTC_Init()和设置时间函数RTC_Set()。 接下来就是<time.h>中的相关函数,我只实现了我认为最重要的函数 time_t time(time_t *time) time_t mktime(struct tm *timeptr) struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *timer) 以及辅助函数 static int getTotalDays