- The design is designed partly in VHDL, partly in schematic drawings and targets a Xilinx Spartan-2E FPGA. However, since the design was tailored specifically for the aforementioned boards it is highly unlikely that it can be ported to other hardware.
- MATLAB Filter Design HDL Coder Simunlink HDL Coder Xilinx ISE Webpack
- This a simple verilog code for stopwatch undre xlinx ISE webpack based for NEXYS3 board.-This is a simple verilog code for stopwatch undre xlinx ISE webpack based for NEXYS3 board.
- 基于FPGA的串口通信源代码。已经经过调试助手测试,-Release 13.2- WebTalk (O.61xd) Copyright (c) 1995-2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Project Information -------------------- ProjectID=BFC2DD71D6FA404A87FDA640DB4B5999 ProjectIteration=14 WebTalk Sum