- 整理了下uCOS的相关资源,包括uCOS2.52/2.76/2.86,uC/FS uC/GUI uC/TCPIP shell源代码,及其在windows上的模拟例子,还包括Wsim的一个windows模拟工程等
- ucos是一个非常优秀的嵌入式操作系统,但作者只提供了bc下测试与调试代码,非常难于调试与学习,特别是初学者。vc是windows下非常优秀的IDE,如果把ucos移植到vc下运行,将非常方便ucos的调试与学习,有利于于ucos的推广。此项目的目的是希望能够把ucos及其相关的文件系统ucfs,GUI界面ucgui,网络tcp/ip都移植过来,方便广大爱好者学习。版本历史:ucos_vc0.11 时间:20050409描述:继续移植了Genie shell for UCOS II,为下一步文件
avr microcontrolled based ethernet device
- The source code for the firmware and udpcom source with pre-compiled versions for linux, mac osx and windows (dos shell) it can be used for webserver control based on avr microcontroller
- uCOS的相关资源,其中有uCOS2.52/2.76/2.86,uC/FS uC/GUI uC/TCPIP shell的源代码,还有在windows上的模拟实例。
- PocketCMD是与pocketconsole配合实用的命令行解释器(Shell),用于Windows CE平台,PocketCMD with practical pocketconsole with command-line interpreter (Shell), for the Windows CE platform
- windows ce 下的3D桌面,其主要特色是,图标是股子,并且能根据鼠标的滑动和按下等来改变转动的方向和速度。很新颖。-windows ce of 3D desktop, its main characteristics is that the icon is股子, and in accordance with the mouse, such as sliding and pressing to change the direction and speed of rotation. Very
- uCOSII只提供了操作系统内核,用户要自己添加文件处理、人机界面、网络接口等重要部分。其中Shell(人机界面)提供了人与机器交互的界面,是机器服务于人的体现,是系统必不可少的重要组成部分。现代的很多OS如UNIX、DOS、VxWorks都提供了友好的命令行界面。Windows更是提供了GUI。大部分人认识OS都是从这里开始的。 由于Skyeye下的仿真串口USART已经实现了中断方式的接收(实际是从键盘接收输入),而且串口输出(实际上是输出到终端屏幕)也已经实现,所以实现一个类似DOS或
- AVR 单片机上实现的带有网络接口的linux系统移植-The AVR source code with web interface and udpcom client source with pre-compiled versions for linux, mac osx and windows (dos shell) Changes since last version: - cosmetic code clean-up
- This the unpacked firmware of XM HVR. It has all the sources of the firmware (shell codes, etc.) and a really useful software that OPENS CRAMFS IN WINDOWS.-This is the unpacked firmware of XM HVR. It has all the sources of the firmware (shell codes,
- PORUS is a portable USB device stack. It is designed to contain, as far as possible, all of the code common to a complete USB device implementation. PORUS is neither stable nor finished. Until version 1.0.0, the API may change, perhaps sign