《基于平均功率受限和有约束条件注水原理的MIMO联合自适应调制和功率分配算法的主要源代码》," Based on the average power is limited and bound by the conditions of injection of the principle of joint MIMO adaptive modulation and power allocation algorithm is the main source code"
The DVI Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) algorithm was first described in an IMA recommendation on audio formats and conversion practices [1]. ADPCM is a transformation that encodes 16-bit audio as 4 bits (a 4:1 compression ratio).
ADPCM(Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation),是一种针对 16bits( 或8bits或者更高) 声音波形数据的一种有损压缩算法,它将声音流中每次采样的 16bit 数据以 4bit 存储,所以压缩比 1:4. 而且压缩/解压缩算法非常简单,所以是一种低空间消耗,高质量高效率声音获得的好途径。保存声音的数据文件后缀名为 .AUD 的大多用ADPCM 压缩-ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Mod
the OFDM PHY is adaptive therefore it supports
multiple schemes BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM for
data carriers’ modulation. The constellation diagrams are
gray mapped and shows the magnitudes I and Q (In-phase
and Quadrature) components of e
Adaptive equalization教程-Adaptive equalizers compensate for signal distortion
attributed to intersymbol interference (ISI), which is
caused by multipath within time-dispersive channels.
Typically employed in high-speed communication
GSM is GMSK modulation signal generation, Some adaptive signal processing algorithms, Multivariate least squares fitting method of nonlinear equations.
MSK modulation si
Using high-order cumulants of MPSK signal modulation recognition, Some adaptive signal processing algorithms, Constituting the modulated signals of different frequencies.
Some adaptive signal processing algorithms, The commonly used digital signal modulation based on artificial neural network, Matching Pursuit and orthogonal matching pursuit.
《无线通信FPGA设计》以Xilinx公司的FPGA开发平台为基础,综合FPGA和无线通信技术两个方向,通过大量的FPGA开发实例,较为详尽地描述了无线通信中常用模块的原理和实现流程,包括数字信号处理基础、数字滤波器、多速率信号处理、数字调制与解调、信道编码、系统同步、自适应滤波算法、最佳接收机,以及WCDMA系统的关键技术。《无线通信FPGA设计》概念明确、思路清晰,追求全面、系统、实用,使读者能够在较短的时间内具备无线通信领域的FPGA开发能力。(The design of wireless