- Android编程手册,英文版,前面一部分与android的SDK文档差不多,后面部分比较有参看价值,具体目录见英文描述!-Android A Programmer’s Guide New York Chicago San Francisco Contents at a Glance(目录) 1 What Is Android? 2 Downloading and Installing Eclipse 3 Downloading and I
- 近期很多网友对Android用户界面的设计表示很感兴趣,对于Android UI开发自绘控件和游戏制作而言掌握好绘图基础是必不可少的。本次专题分10节来讲述,有关OpenGL ES相关的可能将放到以后再透露。本次主要涉及以下四个包的相关内容: android.content.res 资源类-Recently, a lot of friends said he was interested in the design of the Android user interface for Andro
- To achieve the recognition of 10 digital sound, Raya Punuo Fu index using the formula, Decoupling, restore the original signal.
- Linphone is an open source SIP Phone, available on mobile and desktop environments (iOS, Android, GNU/Linux, MAC OSX, Windows Desktop, Windows 10 UWP). Linphone has inside a separation between the user interfaces and the core engine, allowing to c