- CDB5463U Engineering Board and GUI Software The CDB5463U is an inexpensive tool designed to evaluate the functionality and performance of the CS5463 analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The evaluation board includes an LT1019 voltage reference, a
- 大家知道在操作系统启动初始,EXE文件是无法运行的,这个工具就是一个把EXE文件转化为COM文件的工具,并提供了源代码供您分析。-We all know the initial start operating system, the EXE file is not running, the tool is a document put into EXE COM document tools, and provides the source code for your analysis.
- 一款USB转串口工具设计资料,资料齐全.内含电路原理图,电路图非常简单,PC机的驱动程序,以及转换ic的中文资料.笔者原创,强烈推荐-A USB to serial port tool design information, are well documented. Containing circuit schematics, circuit diagrams is very simple, PC machine drivers, as well as the conversion of Chi
- 名称:ST7920字符驱动程序(ARM版) V1.0 作者:Transmart 中国传惠 gongxd@126.com 日期:2009-8-3 历史: 2009-8-3 V1.0 初始版本 环境: IDE-Version: uVision3 V3.63 Copyright (c) Keil Elektronik GmbH / Keil Software, Inc. 1995 - 2008 Tool Version Numbers:
- kniga za asembler PCI Enumerate Tool by WuJun@amoi.com.cn copy Irvine16.inc into c:\masm611\include copy Irvine16.lib into c:\masm611\lib compile command: ML /nologo -c -Fl pci.asm link command: LINK /nologo pci,,NUL,Irvine16 Hist
- pic编译工具,是一个很好的编译工具,具有编译在线仿真等功能-pic compiler tool, is a good build tool with features such as compile-line simulation
- WINCE COM口工具,可测试COM口与及速率-WINCE COM port tool to test the COM port and rate ~ ~ ~ with
- P89C51Rx2Hxx, P89C66x, P98C51Rx2xx, P89C6xX2 application note for ISP entry using COM port handshaking signals with FlashMagic tool
- 很经典的hex及bin文件互转工具,清晰明了。 sonicss 51系列软件之三 之一:51定时器初值计算 之二:51波特率初值计算 ============================================= 在老古开发网(www.laogu.com)上看到Intel Hex 文件格式,便制作了此软件(Windows 版),可以运行于 Win9x/Me/2K 或更高版本,本软件为Intel Hex文件和 Bin文件相互转化程序
- PIC18F458 firmware for tool using as diagnostic for car. Just re-flash the PIC and that s all. everything in
Barcode Reader
- Barcorama is a Zxing-based (http://code.google.com/p/zxing/) barcode reader software developed by me in C#. The program's main purpose is to provide a free (and hopefully powerful) tool in the consumer's toolchain!
- Proteus软件是英国Lab Center Electronics公司出版的EDA工具软件(该软件中国总代理为广州风标电子技术有限公司)。它不仅具有其它EDA工具软件的仿真功能,还能仿真单片机及外围器件。它是目前比较好的仿真单片机及外围器件的工具。虽然目前国内推广刚起步,但已受到单片机爱好者、从事单片机教学的教师、致力于单片机开发应用的科技工作者的青睐。(Proteus software is the UK Lab Center Electronics company published ED
- ArduCAT是Arduino Compatible 开发板。本产品力图通过Arduino技术,大大简化EtherCAT从站的开发。ArduCAT开发板包含两路可用于EtherCAT实时以太网的100BASE-TX网口,所以它特别适合基于PC的自动化方案。ArduCAT使用ATMega1280 处理器,兼容Arduino Mega开发板,并具有完全相同的引脚定义。板上采用开关稳压器提供5V 或3.3V的2A直流输出,且发热甚微。除配套的开源Arduino库外,还配有从站应用层代码自动生成工具,
- 6轴机械臂串口测试代码,用于舵机板串口控制机械臂流畅运行。(Six degrees of freedom manipulator control system ,test code for COM.run the code in test tool,then observe the arms.)
- The STM32CubeMX, featuring: Configuration C code generation for pin multiplexing, clock tree, peripherals and middleware setup with graphical wizards Generation of IDE ready projects for a integrated development environment tool chains(Configuratio
- FFT 32K点设计实例v1.0.0自述文件 本自述文件包含以下部分: 工具要求 o Quartus II编译 o ModelSim仿真模型 o MATLAB模型(FFT 32K Point Design Example v1.0.0 README File This readme file for the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) 32K Point Design contains information about the design exam