- Support is available from MIPS Technologies Inc. - problems should be addressed to support@mips.com。This product may be controlled for export purposes. You may not export, or transfer for the purpose of reexport, any technical data received
- 100 VHDL programming examples 100 VHDL programming examples 100 examples of VHDL programming -100 VHDL programming examples hundred pro VHDL gramming 100 VHDL programming examples exampl es 100 VHDL programming examples hundred VHDL progr amming exam
- 一个游戏 the hardware for the game includes a number of displays, each with a button and -- a light, that each represent a bin that can store marbles (beans). -- -- The display indicates the number of marbles in each bin at any given time. --
- -- Booth Multiplier -- This file contains all the entity-architectures for a complete -- k-bit x k-bit Booth multiplier. -- the design makes use of the new shift operators available in the VHDL-93 std -- this design passes the Synplify synthe
- 此程序为串口芯片tl16c750在uClinux + s3c44b0环境下的驱动程序.tl16c750R FIFO设置为64BYTES, 除此之外,此程序还能缓存20条已经收到的串口数据.即存储数据量为20*64=1280BYTES的串口数据,而不用担心未及时读串口时发生数据的丢失现象.此外,附此驱动的测试程序,以及编译后的映像文件.-procedure for the serial port chip tl16c750 uClinux s3c44b0 environment of floodi
- contain many examples code for I2c,UART,string ,digital convert, read/write to EEprom in microchip PIC16xx series. and the default compiler is hitech PIC16. -contain many examples code for I2c, UART, string, digital convert. read / write to EEprom in
- 实现对TS->PES->ES,分离出TS流里的视频音频,也可将视频音频合并为TS流. 实现对PS->PES->ES->PES->TS,分离出PS流里的视频音频,也可将视频音频合并为PS流.
- S3C6410 SMDK6410 WinCE6.0 OpenGL ES 2.0 库,S3C6410 SMDK6410 WinCE6.0 OpenGL ES 2.0 library
- 三星ARM11系列芯片S3C6410开发板SMDK6400的全套电路,包含核心板和接口板两部分 ,Samsung ARM11 chip S3C6410 development board SMDK6400 a complete set of circuits, including the core board and interface board in two parts
- wince 平台下的 的一个 OpenGL es 应用的原代码,跳舞的老鼠, 用EVC4.0下编译-wince platform OpenGL es under the application of a source code, dancing rats, using compiled EVC4.0
- 一个用wince 6.0的计算器的完整源代码,希望对搞软件开发的朋友有帮助-A form of written of opengl es adds to carry the source procedure, in the opengl es to the operation of the string hope to be helpful to the friend who is a 3 Ds
- wince 平台下的 的一个 OpenGL es 应用的原代码,粒子应用, 用EVC4.0下编译-wince platform OpenGL es under the application of a source code, particle application, compiled with the EVC4.0
- 讲解ARM的PPT课件,和实验箱ARM2410的用法及实验内容-ARM on the PPT courseware, and experimental use of ARM2410 me and experimental content
- void UART_init() { //初始化串行口和波特率发生器 SCON =0x58 //选择串口工作方式,打开接收允许 TMOD =0x21 //定时器1工作在方式2,定时器0工作在方式1 TH1 =0xfd //实现波特率9600(系统时钟11.0592MHZ) TR1 =1 //启动定时器T1 ET1 =0 ES=1 //允许串行口中断 PS=1 //设计串行口中断优先级 EA =1 //单片机中断允许 }-void UART_init
- Arduino library for ArCan. www.arcan.es
- DEC6713板卡的的硬件加密算法,使得了解ESAM卡的序列号的获取方法-DEC6713 board card hardware encryption algorithm
- 在Windows mobile或者PocketPC平台上使用opengl的一个开源库,里面有很多很好的例程,做WM平台的3D程序时非常有用.-In the PocketPC or Windows mobile platform using an open source opengl library, there are a lot of great routines, so WM platform 3D program very useful.
- wince 平台下的 的一个 OpenGL es 应用的原代码,灯光效果, 用EVC4.0下编译-wince platform OpenGL es under the application of an original code, lighting effects, compiled with EVC4.0
- 嵌入式系统设计中常用的算法,总结的很好,很实用-Commonly used algorithm in ES
OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide
- OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide