- 14*14点阵,调整为14×16 的。 不同于16*16,12*12的,比12*12的大气, 又不象16*16的满格,字与字之间没有什么间隙。 纵向取模,字节倒序。 先取上面的14字节, 在取下面的14字节。 是14×14的字库加入了拼音的索引。并且索引的汉字部分做了简单的划分,避免一个拼音对应的汉字分在2个区中 原拼音索引格式是 0-0xd4f 拼音索引 8个字节一个记录,前面6个字节是拼音,后面2个字节是汉字所在的地址。(高字节在后,低字节在前) 映射在本字库的7B00-884F区 0x10
- 交通灯(加数码管),控制南北灯和东西灯,在数码管有显示,没有加电路图,想要的联系我(因为只是能在电脑上看到效果,与实际上的肯定有差距),使用51单片机,keil开发环境,电路图用的protues,说明这么多够了吧。。。。只是一个简单练习题而已-Traffic lights (add digital control), control of north-south and east-west light lights, in the digital control has shown that t
- Efficiency and inductance of multi-turn head. Uses a three region model. “Efficiency and Inductance Analysis of a Three-Region Thin-Film Head", Petru C. Ciureanu, IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol. MAG-22, No. 1, January 1988. This model is an exten
- Analytical expressions for the vector magnetic fields and Fourier transforms associated with thin film heads are presented. These results are derived from accurate, approximate expressions for the surface field of an asymmetric thin film head determi
- Classic analyses of recording head fields have been based on the Karlquist approximation, since it requires only knowledge of the gap edge and field point coordinates to find the field parallel to the gap (the orthogonal field is also known, although
- 收集的9篇关于LDO的研究生学位论文 1、LDO线性恒流型高亮度LED驱动的研究与设计 2、大电流_高稳定性LDO线性电源芯片的设计和实现 3、带有双电子开关的LDO电源管理芯片的设计 4、高精度_低噪声LDO线性调整器的设计 5、基于单片DC_DC的LDO设计 6、集成于GPS射频芯片的LDO设计 7、具有LDO模式的电流模同步降压型稳压器芯片XD1112设计 8、利用Verilog_A对LDO_Charg_省略_自动切换电源管理芯片的Top_ 9、一种基于
- 本文主要介绍了一个自适应波束形成器的原理及其实现方法,结合当今最先进的可编程芯片,包括数字信号处理器(DSP),现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)实现了数字波束形成,适用于如3坐标雷达系统等复杂阵列信号处理系统。其研制成果已应用在多部相控阵雷达中,缩小了我国在这个领域与其他国家之间的差距,具有重要的经济意义和军事意义。-This paper describes an adaptive beamformer principle and implementation method, combining
- 在《温度计_基本原理》程序中,已经实现了一个温度测量和显示的系统,但因为采样速率很快,且对基准源不加控制,耗电很大(800uA左右)。本例中,将温度采集速度降到1秒一次,且采样间隙时间不仅关闭基准源,还让CPU进入LPM3休眠状态,大大节省了耗电。该程序功耗仅10uA左右,可用纽扣电池长期运行(2年)。实际上对于环境温度1秒1次采样仍属浪费,如果降到5秒一次,功耗可下降到4uA左右(CR2032电池工作5年)。按KEY3后,CPU进入LPM4,功耗下降到0.1uA,这是一种常用的不断电的关机方法
- Design a sequential machine that finds the size of the largest gap between two successive 1s in a X-bit word. Partition the design into a state machine controller and a datapath. The datapath accepts the X-bit word and produces an output word whose v
- 主要功能是计算步进电机每圈的脉冲数和每个脉冲相隔的时间,实现对步进电机的控制-Main function is to calculate the stepper motor the number of pulses per revolution and the time gap between each pulse, to achieve control of the stepper motor
- 用有限差分的方法求解电机电枢槽气隙磁位分布-With the finite difference method for solving the air-gap magnetic armature slot distribution
- 超声波单片机测距,通过计算超声波发送接收时间差距-Ultrasonic microcontroller ranging, by calculating the ultrasonic transmission and reception time gap
- 自己写的一个AVR M8的程序,功能是读取汽车行车记录仪行云流水的数据流,然后可以通过按键设定汽车超速报警值和水温报警值,可以声光报警,3位LED显示当前速度。-Write their own program an AVR M8 function is to read the data flow of the car driving recorder to fill the gap, and then set the car speed alarm value and water tempera
- 在软件proteus中做的电路的单片机的例程-In software proteus circuit chip to do the routines
- 时域量化码字,基于时间间隙和DSP的信道编程-time-domain code word to quantify, because of the time gap and the channel DSP programming
- 定时器1的方式1使数码管前59秒循环计时,定时器0的方式1使第一个发光二极管间隔200ms闪烁-Timer 1 way 59 to the first 1 seconds of the digital control of the first 0 seconds of the time, the timer 1 way to make the first light emitting diode gap 200ms
- 空间电压矢量控制PWM(SVPWM)也叫磁通正弦PWM法.它以三相波形整体生成效果为前提,以逼近电机气隙的理想圆形旋转磁场轨迹为目的,用逆变器不同的开关模式所产生的实际磁通去逼近基准圆磁通,由它们的比较结果决定逆变器的开关,形成PWM波形.此法从电动机的角度出发,把逆变器和电机看作一个整体,以内切多边形逼近圆的方式进行控制,使电机获得幅值恒定的圆形磁场(正弦磁通).-Space voltage vector control PWM (SVPWM), also known as magnetic
- PV modules contain, MPPT module, BOOST module, inverter module, Dimensional phononic crystals FDTD method calculation examples band gap, The signal spectral analysis and filtering.
- Including the area, perimeter, rectangular, elongation, Dimensional phononic crystals FDTD method calculation examples band gap, Arrival process is a Poisson process.
- Dimensional phononic crystals FDTD method calculation examples band gap, Classic GLCM texture calculation method, PV modules contain, MPPT module, BOOST module, inverter module.