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- This using Keil uVision 3 and Atmel Flip 3.4.3 The code is tested using 8051 microprocessor chip. 1) Copy and paste the attached code to Keil uVision. 2) Use the link below to configure in Keil for the 8051 chip. download here: https:/
- This using Keil uVision 3 and Atmel Flip 3.4.3 The code is tested using 8051 microprocessor chip. 1) Copy and paste the attached code to Keil uVision. 2) Use the link below to configure in Keil for the 8051 chip. download here: https:/
- This using Keil uVision 3 and Atmel Flip 3.4.3 The code is tested using 8051 microprocessor chip. 1) Copy and paste the attached code to Keil uVision. 2) Use the link below to configure in Keil for the 8051 chip. download here: https:/
- This using Keil uVision 3 and Atmel Flip 3.4.3 The code is tested using 8051 microprocessor chip. 1) Copy and paste the attached code to Keil uVision. 2) Use the link below to configure in Keil for the 8051 chip. download here: https:/
- This a header file for 8051 Keil uVision 3 This using Keil uVision 3 and Atmel Flip 3.4.3 The code is tested using 8051 microprocessor chip. 1) Copy and paste the attached code to Keil uVision. 2) Use the link below to configure in Keil fo
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- Adafruit-Motor-Shield-library-master库文件(This library is old and deprecated - and the hardware disconinued years ago. V2 of the shield uses i2c only and works with anything that has I2C support (e.g. all arduinos) without endless incompatibilities and
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