- This code allows you to read character from keyboard IBM PC
- fibonacci(c++) you can use it to prove your assemble program
- USB ,是英文Universal Serial BUS(通用串行总线)的缩写,而其中文简称为“通串线,是一个外部总线标准,用于规范电脑与外部设备的连接和通讯。是应用在PC领域的接口技术。USB接口支持设备的即插即用和热插拔功能。USB是在1994年底由英特尔、康柏、IBM、Microsoft等多家公司联合提出的。-USB, is English Universal Serial BUS (USB) abbreviation, while the Chinese referred to as t
- USB ,是英文Universal Serial BUS(通用串行总线)的缩写,而其中文简称为“通串线,是一个外部总线标准,用于规范电脑与外部设备的连接和通讯。是应用在PC领域的接口技术。USB接口支持设备的即插即用和热插拔功能。USB是在1994年底由英特尔、康柏、IBM、Microsoft等多家公司联合提出的。-USB, is English Universal Serial BUS (USB) abbreviation, while the Chinese referred to as t
- 单片机子程序,有各种数据格式的各种数学运算.(1)按当前流行的以 IBM PC 为主机的开发系统对汇编语言的规定,将原子程序库 的标号和位地址进行了调整,读者不必再进行修改,便可直接使用。 (2)对浮点运算子程序库进行了进一步的测试和优化,对十进制浮点数和二进制浮 点数的相互转换子程序进行了彻底改写,提高了运算精度和可靠性。 (3)新增添了若干个浮点子程序(传送、比较、清零、判零等),使编写数据处理 程序的工作变得更简单直观。-SCM subroutine, there
- 使用 eForth 寫成的交談式開發 8086 系統.很容易改成其它 CPU 系統.-eForth is a simple Forth model which can be easily ported to a wide range of CPU s. It is best put into ROM and communicate to the outside through a serial RS232 line. Files can be downloaded through
- 使用 eForth 寫成的 8051 編譯器-eForth is a small portable Forthdesign for a wide range of microprocessors. This implementation for 8051/31 microcontroller on an IBM-PC/XT/AT personal computer demonstrates the poratbility of the eForth Model. The MASM
- 1981 年8 月,IBM 公司最初推出的个人计算机IBM PC 使用的CPU 是Intel 8088。在该微机中地址线只有20 根(A0 – A19)。在当时内存RAM 只有几百KB 或不到1MB 时,20 根地址线已足够用来寻址这些内存。其所能寻址的最高地址是0xffff:0xffff,也即0x10ffef。对于超-A20 地址线问题.doc
- The diskettes associated with this book contain most of the code, organized by chapter, and a set of sample images. The code will compile using Borland Turbo-C on an IBM PC or compatible having a VGA card. The basic code for the Alpha
- 国外AVR单片机驱动tuner原理图和源程序-I ve always liked real small chips like the Atmel 2323 and PIC 12C508. Despite their size, they contain some real power. The 2323, for instance, can be clocked at up to 10 MHz (and more if overclocked), and will perform at ab
- IBM PC/XT 机内发音电路原理及发音电路中各接口芯片的作用。掌握8253定时/记数器芯片和8255并行接口芯片的编程方法。掌握音乐程序的设计、编程方法。-IBM PC/XT machine pronunciation pronunciation of the circuit schematic and the role of the interface chip. 8253 master timer/counter chip and 8255 parallel interface chip
- The Maxim Command Module (CMAXQUSB) receives commands from an IBM PC through USB to create
- VGA (video graphics array) is a video display standard introduced in the late 1980s in IBM PCs and is widely supported by PC graphics hardware and monitors. We discuss the design of a basic eight-color 640-by-480 resolution interface for CRT (c