- 8位大小比较器的VHDL源代码,Magnitude Comparator VHDL descr iption of a 4-bit magnitude comparator with expansion inputs-eight compared with the size of the VHDL source code, Magnitude Comparator VHDL descr iption of a 4-bit magnitude comparator inputs with e
- This example program shows how to configure and use the A/D Converter of the following microcontroller: STMicroelectronics ST10F166 After configuring the A/D, the program reads the A/D result and outputs the converted value using the serial p
- 三端口输入,同步脉冲信号检测器,精确实现输入信号的定位-three port inputs, synchronous pulse signal detector, the input signal to achieve precise positioning
- MSC 1210 A/D Conversion for 1 input signals (-2.5V ... +2.5V) Inputs pairs AIN0-AIN1 read in an interrupt service routine-MSC 1210 A / D Conversion for an input signals (-2.5V ... 2.5V) Inputs pairs compute-con read in an interrupt service routine
- vhdl编写,8b—10b 编解码器设计 Encoder: 8b/10b Encoder (file: 8b10b_enc.vhd) Synchronous clocked inputs (latched on each clock rising edge) 8-bit parallel unencoded data input KI input selects data or control encoding Asynchronous act
- For C8051F330 This code example illustrates using the internal analog multiplexer to measure analog voltages on up to 8 different analog inputs. Results are printed to a PC terminal program via the UART.
- SOPC实验--Hello World实验:启动Quartus II软件,选择File→New Project Wizard,在出现的对话框中填写项目名称 2、 点击Finish,然后选择“是”。选择Assignments→Device,改写各项内容。Family改为CycloneII,根据实验板上的器件选择相应的器件,本实验选择EP2C5T144C8,点击对话框中的Device & Pin Options,在Configuration中,选项Use Configuration Device为E
- The MEASURE program uses analog and digital inputs to simulate a datalogger. You may watch the value of analog input POT1 and the state of S2, S3 Buttons on MCBSTM32 evaluation board.
- Device pins that are not connected to a specific peripheral function are controlled by the GPIO registers. Pins may be dynamically configured as inputs or outputs. Separate registers allow setting or clearing any number of outputs simu
- MAX260/261/262是MAXIM公司推出的可编程开关电容通用滤波器,通过单片机(89C51)对该芯片的6个输入端进行有效设置可实现64个不同的中心频率f0,而且Q值可达128。文中介绍了这些通用滤波器的功能、特性以及典型应用电路。 ,MAXIM Unveils MAX260/261/262 is programmable general-purpose switched-capacitor filter, through the single-chip microcomputer (89
- 本人做项目的基于STM32的工控板子,内有原理图,12光电,7继电器,6模拟量输入,1模拟量输出。-I do projects in the industrial-based STM32 board, within the schematic, 12 photoelectric, 7 relays, 6 analog inputs, one analog output.
- DSP2833x 初始化GPIO管脚作为ePWM管脚使用。 -This function initializes GPIO pins to function as ePWM pins. Each GPIO pin can be configured as a GPIO pin or up to 3 different peripheral functional pins. By default all pins come up as GPIO inputs after reset.
- 汇编,C 源码 用STC89C58单片机做的数据采集和控制,12位AD转换使用TLC2543,通讯协议采用MODBUS(RTU),通过拨码开关改变从机地址,支持模拟量或数字量的读写。(4路模拟量输入、6路开关量输出(继电器输出)、8路开关量输入)开发环境:KEIK 7.06 (2006-7-5,C-C++,61KB,17次) -Microcontroller to do with STC89C58 data acquisition and control, use 12-bit AD
- 对电机的编码器输入的正交编码信号进行4倍频处理 ,生成一个新的计数脉冲 ,同时判断电机的转动方向,输出一个方向标志电平信号,从而可以让DSP知道电机的转速和方向。-On the motor encoder inputs of the quadrature encoder signals 4 octave treatment, generates a new pulse count and at the same time to determine the direction of motor r
- * The keyboard is assumed to be a matrix having 4 rows by 6 columns. However, this code works for any * matrix arrangements up to an 8 x 8 matrix. By using from one to three of the column inputs, the driver * can support "SHIFT" keys. These keys
- 8路隔离数字量输入模块,具有8路数字量输入,通信接口间采用光电隔离方式设计,不易受各种电磁干扰,大大提高通信的可靠性、安全性和保密性,支持MODBUS-RTU 通讯协议;可与多种品牌的PLC、RTU及工控组态软件进行网络通讯,广泛应用于分布式电力系统监控、各种工业自动化测控等系统中。-8-channel isolated digital input module with 8 digital inputs, communication interface between the use of p
- The MEASURE program uses the analog inputs of the P89LPC935 to implement a datalogger. This example shows how you can use signal functions in uVision to simulate a signal coming into one of the analog inputs of the P89LPC935 controller.
- The SL74HC573 is identical in pinout to the LS/ALS573. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs with pullup resistors, they are compatible with LS/ALSTTL outputs. These latches appear transparent to data (i.e., the outputs ch
- 将BCD码的转换为四位二进制,实现是一个十线输入,四线输出的转换功能-BCD code will be converted to four binary to achieve is a 10 line inputs, four-lane conversion output
- 简单的数字电路设计,全部由分立的IC实现,实物已经做出过。实现两个四位二进制数相加,和一个四位二进制移位的功能。仿照MCU指令进行设计,有2位二进制操作码,8位输入和5位输出端,内部时钟控制电路。对于了解8位或者16位的MCU指令时序逻辑有点帮助.-Simple digital circuit design, all of the IC to achieve the separation, in-kind has been made. The achievement of the two add