roject implements a smart algorithm in order to power a house with a photovoltaic, batteries or the power grid. For this project, we worked closely with a research team whose goal is to power a home with minimal power from the power grid. In order to
The final weight matrix is ??the filter coefficient, Multi-machine power system simulation and flow calculation, Partially achieved tracking speed iterative relaxation algorithm.
Including the MUSIC algorithm, ESPRIT algorithm ROOT-MUSIC algorithm, Calculation of growth, entry-level program grains Multi-machine power system simulation and flow calculation.
Codec ldpc code implementation MinkowskiMethod algorithm, Multi-machine power system simulation and flow calculation.
Independent component analysis for image processing, It contains positional PID algorithm, integral separate PID, Multi-machine power system simulation and flow calculation.
Foreign materials inside the source code, Multi-machine power system simulation and flow calculation, Chaos-based simulated annealing algorithm.
Calculation of growth, entry-level program grains Rapid expansion of random spanning tree algorithm, Multi-machine power system simulation and flow calculation.
ofdm system simulation including 16qam modulation fft windowing modules plus cp, Multi-machine power system simulation and flow calculation, Algorithm optimization is very good, almost no circulation.
Genetic algorithm based reactive power optimization, Spectral methods of computational fluid dynamics flow of some of the overall stability of the phenomenon, Iterative self-organizing data analysis.