- 采用12位MAX 197对外部信号采样。采用全周波傅立叶积分算法,对采样信号进行处理,对电力系统的电压有效值、功率等特征量进行实时在线监测;采用全数字测量法测量相位差;并采用自适应技术调整采样间隔,消除非同步采样对计算造成的误差,利用PIC18F458捕获功能实时监测电力系统频率波动,修订采样间隔。分析了各量的测量误差,均达到标准。并提供友好的人机交互界面。-used 12 MAX 197 pairs external signal sampling. Using Fourier-Cycle I
- 本系统是以凌阳SPCE061A单片机为核心控制器,具有电流可预置、可步进调整、输出的电流信号和预置的电流信号可同时显示的数控直流电流源。系统主要包括:凌阳SPCE061A精简开发板、键盘与显示电路、压控恒流源电路、校正电路、电源电路等。系统中通过键盘按键对电流值进行预置,凌阳SPCE061A单片机送出相应的数字信号,经过D/A转换、信号放大、电平转换、压控恒流源,再输出所需电流;实际输出的电流经过精密电阻变成取样电压信号,经高输入阻抗放大器、A/D转换器,将信号反馈到凌阳SPCE061A单片机中
- 电力和自动化通讯规约模拟软件,用于电力系统开发调试用的-Statute of power and communication simulation automation software for the development of power systems used in debugging
- space vector control for motor systems and power systems
- 地球磁场磁强计 设计的CY8C22213的PSoC微控制器,地球磁场磁强计精确测量的力量,地球的磁场。这有效地压力表分钟磁力变化引起的太阳风暴,这会影响到无线电和电力系统。此外,地球磁场磁强计表明极光活动。 通过使用磁通门传感器和外部电磁铁,地球的外地被取消了,该系统可以侦测到一个空场。因此,是非常敏感的系统,而无需增益校准的磁通门传感器。-Earth Field Magnetometer Designed around the CY8C22213 PSoC microcont
- 用于电力系统,使用51单片机来采集开关量的程序,开关量分辨率为0.1ms-Used in power systems, the use of 51 MCU to program the amount of collected switches, switch the amount of a resolution of 0.1ms
- very goood topics related to power systems
- This book can be used as a textbook on SPICE for students specializing in power electronics and power systems. It can also be a supplement to any standard textbook on power electronics and power systems.
Advanced Power Electronic
- Advanced Power Electronic Interfaces for Distributed Energy Systems
- A major problem with RFID systems is that a tag might not be read, in spite of being in the reader’s range, due to collisions[4]. A collision is said to have occurred when various devices interfere with each others’ operations, or their simultane
- Large number of wind turbines are being installed and connected to power systems. The penetration level of wind power is continuously increasing in some networks, the significant high penetration may affect the power system security if the wi
- CRD5463PM Power Monitor Reference Design and Software The CRD5463PM demonstrates the CS5463 power measurement IC. It has an integrated AC-DC power supply,voltage and current sensors, and isolated UART/USB interface. Working with the GUI softwa
- 开关电源 并联电源系统 均流问题研究 2011年全国大学生电子设计A题-Switching power supply systems are flow in parallel studies in 2011 National Undergraduate Electronic Design A title
- Analysis of steady state/ transient behaviour of HVDC systems due to AC/ DC Faults, commutation failure etc. using PSCAD simulating software.
- 电机控制以及其他电力系统中经常用到的巴特沃斯低通滤波器代码-Motor control and other power systems often used Butterworth low-pass filter code
- 嵌入式Linux启动分为两个部分,系统引导与Linux启动。系统引导将完成Linux装入内存前,初始化CPU和相关IO设备,并将Linux调入内存的工作。系统引导主要由BootLoader实现。在BootLoader将Linux内核调入内存之后,将权力交给LinuxKernel,进入Linux的启动部分。本文详细分析启动的过程与使用。-Embedded Linux boot is divided into two parts, the system boot with Linux. Linux
- 这是LPC1788掉电检测的程序,用于当由突发状况系统掉电时,紧急数据的保存,以免数据丢失。-This is the LPC1788 procedure of Brownout detection . In order to avoid data loss when power systems, emergency data is preservated.
- 本设计是基于STM32F4的四轴航拍平台。以STM32F407为控制核心,四轴飞行器为载体,辅以云台的航拍系统。硬件上由飞控电路,电源管理,通信模块,动力系统,机架,云台伺服系统组成。算法上采用简洁稳定的四元数加互补滤波作为姿态解算算法,PID作为控制器,实现飞行,云台增稳等功能。具有灵活轻盈,延展性,适应性强好等特点。-The design is based on a four-axis STM32F4 aerial platform. In STM32F407 as the control
Power Architecture Build Tools Reference
- 这个参考说明如何使用CodeWarrior工具构建方案。CodeWarrior构建工具将源代码转换为目标代码,然后组织该对象代码以创建准备执行的程序。CodeWarrior创建运行在主机系统的工具生成在目标系统上运行的软件。有时主机和目标是同一系统。通常,这些系统是不同的。(This reference explains how to use CodeWarrior tools to build programs. CodeWarrior build tools translate source
- This paper presents neural networks based approach for estimation of the control and operating parameters of Statcom used for improving voltage profile in a power system, which is emerging as a major problem in the day-to-day operation of stresse