- SAMSUNG的2440使用手册,最高频率400MHz,市场已有售-Samsung's 2440 manual, the maximum frequency of 400MHz, the market has been on sale
- 这是谋些人在网上出售的DTMF软解码实现方法,英文的,但算法好,节约您的开发成本-is seeking more people in the online sale of soft DTMF decoding method, English, but a good algorithm, save your development costs
- sale,自动收获机。首先投币,然后买东西,然后退币-sale, automatic harvester. The first coin, and then buy something, and then coin
- 自动售饮料机。用vhdl变写的自动售物品的程序。-Beverage vending machine. Writing vhdl variable with automatic procedures for the sale of goods.
- 南京航空航天大学的张小龙老师的MSP430讲的很不错,外面的书店也有很多这方面的资料在卖,但南航的PPT确很少,但它很适用,很方便-Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Teacher of the MSP430 Xiao-Long Zhang said very well, outside there is a lot of bookstores have information on this at the sale, but
- 这是用verilogHDL语言编写的自动出售饮料的电路。会根据顾客投入硬币的多少来送出饮料,并且找回零钱。-This is language used verilogHDL automatic circuit the sale of beverages. Customer input will be based on the number of coins out drinks, and get back change.
- 一个自动售邮票的控制电路。 用两个发光二极管分别模拟售出面值为六角和八角的邮票,购买者可以通过开关选择一种面值的邮票,灯亮时表示邮票售出。用开关分别模拟一角、五角和一元硬币投入。用发光二极管分别代表找回剩余的硬币。 要求:每次只能售出一枚邮票;当所投硬币达到或超过购买者所选面值时,售出一枚邮票,并找回剩余的硬币回到初始状态;当所投硬币值不足面值时,可以通过一个复位键退回所投硬币,回到初始状态。-An automatic control circuit sell stamps. With
- i.MX27 PDK 1.0 Windows Embedded CE 6.0 User s Guide.This user’s guide describes the Freescale i.MX27 3-Stack Windows Embedded CE 6.0 board support package (BSP). The i.MX27 3-Stack reference board is designed for video and voice over Internet phone
- IC卡燃气表设计.pdf(73页的论文)----本文设 计了一个以预付为目的的IC卡燃气表。设计的题目来源于和一家苏州燃气表生产企业的项目合作,该项目主要包括IC卡燃气表、IC卡写卡器及售气管理系统三个部分。本人作为开发小组的成员之一,负责了IC卡燃气表的开发工作。-IC card gas meter design. Pdf (73 pages of paper )---- This article is designed for the purpose of a prepaid IC card
- Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including in- fringement of any patent or copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Condi
- VHDL--该程序是自动售邮票的控制电路-Circuit Design for Automatic Control of stamp sale
- This emv96 kernel code. It is useful for point of sale programmers.-This is emv96 kernel code. It is useful for point of sale programmers.
- 1.表阀一体设计,选用多流束湿式基表; 2.更换电池不用拆表即可完成,防私自拆卸水表监控功能; 3.用户插入已购水的IC卡后,水表剩余金额与剩余水量自动累加; 4.低功耗设计方案,电池寿命达到8年以上; 5.防磁干扰监控功能,欠电压自动关阀。 6.断电后能存储用户十年中每个月的用水量; 7.具有一卡多表和阶梯计费功能; 8.水表的用水信息及故障原因等全面监控; 9.售水系统功能完善。 10.密封性好,可在水
- SGEN TI正弦波资料 Texas Instruments and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinue any product or service without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to v
- 一个FPGA的自动售货机程序,状态机部分很详细,值得参考-A vending machine program the FPGA, the state machine part of the very detailed and valuable reference
- this file for sim card-this is file for sim card
- labview编写的贩卖机程序,买卖很容易实现,可以显示余额-labview write a vending machine program, the sale is very easy to implement, can show the balance
- A POS (Point-Of-Sale) system is a computer system typically used to manage the sales in retail stores. It includes hardware components such as a computer, a bar code scanner, a printer and also software to manage the operation of the store.
- 自动售货机 系统能自动销售货物,自动完成对货物信息的存储、进程控制、硬币处理、余额计算和显示等功能。 自动售货机可以管理4种货物,每种的数量和单价在初始化时输入,在存储器中存储;用户可以用硬币进行购物,利用按键进行选择;售货时能够根据用户投入的硬币,判断钱币是否够,钱币足够则根据顾客要求自动售货,钱币不够则给出提示并退出;能够自动计算出应找钱币余额、库存量。 -Vending machine system can automatically sale of goods, auto-c
- 设计一个自动售货机,此机能出售1元、2元、5元、10元的四种商品。用于modelsim verilog 语言的编写-To design a vending machine, this function is the sale of 1 yuan, 2 yuan, 5 yuan, 10 yuan of the four commodities. The sale of what kind of goods to the customer pressing a button and digital