- Implement a 3-digit BCD counter. Display the contents of the counter on the 7-segment displays, HEX2− 0. Derive a control signal, from the 50-MHz clock signal provided on the DE2 board, to increment the contents of the counter at one-se
- avr单片机程序。实现七段数码管的扫面显示-avr microcontroller program. Achieve the seven-segment digital tube display surface scan
- 这个程序利用89S51控制一颗共阳七段显示器-89S51 to control the use of this procedure a total of Yang Seven-Segment Display
- 这个程序利用89S51控制一颗共阳七段显示器-89S51 to control the use of this procedure a total of Yang Seven-Segment Display
- 该项目在Keil下工作和在PROTEUS测试成功。时钟是用微控制器和3個 2x7段LED 。-The project was worked under Keil and tested with Proteus successfully. The clock was made with MCU and 3 ea 2x7 segment LED.
- MAX7219的驱动程序,基于51的,C语言描述,附带DS18B20的驱动程序,体现MAX7219的用途,带PROTUES 仿真。(MAX7219,7段数码管驱动IC,LED驱动IC,美信公司产品)【原创】-MAX7219 driver, based on the 51, C language descr iption of the driver DS18B20 incidental, reflecting the use of MAX7219 with PROTUES simulation.
- 3 simple AVR assembler code to use seven segment display. These 3 codes realy simple way using seven segment display. these are using in my microprocessor classes. Wert deney1.asm -> no scan Wert Deney2.asm -> Scan but BCD Werrt Deney3.a
- 几个常用的接口实验的程序代码,用Verilog HDL语言编写的,包括七段数码管、拨码开关、蜂鸣器、矩阵键盘、串口、I2C、跑马灯等。-Some commonly used experimental procedures for the interface code, using Verilog HDL language, including Seven-Segment LED, DIP switch, buzzer, matrix keyboard, serial, I2C, marquees
- Abstract七段显示器在DE2可当成Verilog的console,做为16进位的输出结果。Introduction使用环境:Quartus II 7.2 SP1 + DE2(Cyclone II EP2C35F627C6)简单的使用switch当成2进位输入,并用8位数的七段显示器显示16进位的结果。-Abstract Seven-Segment Display as Verilog to DE2 at the console, as 16 of the output binary. In
- VHDL Design of BCD to 7-segment decoder using PROM
- Seven segment library for ATmega16 MCU.
- 七段数码管按键识别,按下1键显示1,按下2键显示2-Seven-Segment LED identification keys, press the 1 key to show the 1, press 2 to display 2
- VHDL project for FPGA SPartan 3 using IseWebpack 10.1. This is an implemetation of FSM for testing 7 segment with dot point 4 digit LED display.
- Developed for use with MSP430x22x4 MCU (2274). Made with Code Composer Essentials v3.1. Code for educational use. Working with 7-segment LCD on educational board. MSP430FG464 MCU used.Shows how to define segments and put out information on display
- keil下,c8051f020七段数码管显示程序-keil under, c8051f020 Seven-Segment LED display program
- vhdl,七段数码管驱动程序,完成数字显示功能-vhdl, seven-segment digital tube driver, complete the digital display
- 程序描述:这个范例说明如何使用8051,以及汇编语言的程序连结, 当我们按下向上数的按钮之后,程序就会把0到9的共 阳7段显示器字型码存入AT93C46;如果我们按下向下 数的按钮之后,程序就会把9到0的共阳7段显示器字 型码存入AT93C46。 程序每一次重新开始执行时(Power on 或是Reset),8051 会先从AT93C46当中读出最前面的10个位组,然后 就反复地将这10个位组的数据经由PORT 1送到1个 共阳七段显示器。*/-Procedur
- 用VHDL语言在FPGA上实现将十进制bcd码转换成七段led显示码-FPGA using VHDL language to achieve will be converted to decimal bcd yards led seven segment display code
- 7 segment on atmel 89c51 without multiplex
- In this project two 7-segment LED displays are connected to PORT of a PIC16F877 type microcontroller. The program displays the number in variable on the displays-In this project two 7-segment LED displays are connected to PORT of a PIC16F877 type m