- 红外编程,本程序经过试用,能解大部分遥控器的编码- The infrared programming, this procedure after the test, can solve the majority of remote controls the code
- 调试中出现的问题,你该怎么办?一些心得教你怎么样发现问题,解决问题,看看为好-Debugging the problem, how do you do that? Some experiences to teach you how kind identify problems and solve problems, look to the good
- uC/OS-II在51上移植的完整源代码V1.0,包含shell源码。双击yy.uv2可以直接进行软件仿真。该代码解决了重入问题,对串口进行了特殊处理,不占用任务号,基于中断实现。该代码通过了软件仿真、硬件仿真、固化测试,请放心使用-uC / OS-II in 51 transplant on the integrity of the source code V1.0 contains shell source. Double-click yy.uv2 direct simulation sof
- MSP430在进入睡眠后,如果发生事件产生中断,那么单 片机会退出睡眠,自动执行中断程序,但是当中断返回时,主 程序又重新进入睡眠状态。如果要在发生中断后,主程序需 要退出睡眠,那么需要在中断程序中修改SP堆栈中的内容, C语言没有指令可以修改堆栈内的内容,可以采用C语言与 汇编语言混合编程的方法解决此问题。-MSP430 into sleep, and if events have disrupted, SCM will withdraw from sleep, inter
- IAR 8051 7.20C 的测试版,然后再传破解程序,破解程序不打包,因为破解可以破解最新的所有IAR的程序(2006-3)-IAR 8051 7.20C beta, and then sent the break procedures, procedures packing crack, crack can solve the problem because of all the latest IAR procedures (2006-3)
- 本上载源码解决了16位二进制数的乘法,32为除以16位二进制数的除法-uploaded the source code to solve the 16 binary multiplication of the number, 32 to 16 divided by the number of binary division
- 最新版IWip(LWIP?),解决了v1.10的许多bug希望对大家有用,有能力的可以自己移植一下-latest version IWip (Viedo?) , the ITA solve the many bug hope useful for all, the ability of what can try their transplant
- 基于ucos的多任务与系统时钟实验,使用信号量解决任务间互斥问题,把系统时间显示在一个文本框中-based multi-task with the system clock experiments, the use of signal volume between mutually exclusive mandate to solve the problem, the system shows the time in a text box
- 从Keil C51 的内存空间管理方式入手,着重讨论实时操作系统在任务调度时的重入问题,分析一些解决 重入的基本方式与方法:分析实时操作系统任务调度的占先性,提出非占先的任务调度是能更适合于 Keil C51 的一种调度方式。为此,构造这一实时操作系统,并有针对性地介绍此系统的堆管理方法、任务 的建立以及任务的切换等。-from Keil C51 memory space management mode. focused on real-time operating system i
- 解决smartarm2200串口下载问题的程序, 使用ads1.2可以观看全部代码-smartarm2200 solve the serial download procedures, ads1.2 can use to watch all the code
- S3C44B得FLASH烧片程序,我花了一个月才完成,可以帮你解决开发过程中入门之难,可以适用于任何操作系统,帮你解决嵌入式中的最大困难-S3C44B FLASH burn unit in the procedure, I spent a month to complete, can help you solve the portal development process will be difficult and can be applied to any operating system,
- This model is just testing an idea of MIMO, which IEEE802.11n will have. But I havo not seen the standard, I tried to make it with 11a. Actually this model would not work in real world, because the preambles were not designed to solve the
- 基于VHDL语言开发的mcu与外部器件的接口程序,解决了高速mcu与低速外部器件的接口问题。-based on VHDL development mcu with external device interface, mcu solve the high-speed and low-speed external device interface.
- 这是我做的针对S1D13305的驱动源码,我集成了ASCII码字库和一级简码汉字库,可以显示任意常用汉字和英文字符,另外还有基本的画线、圆、多边形以及填充等功能!但是由于画图时是边计算边显示,所以显示效果会有抖动,只需通过缓冲区作为中转站就可以解决问题,这个问题就让给使用者解决了! 如有问题可以发email给我,xianyun.wang@gmail.com-This is what I do against the S1D13305 driver source code, I integra
- 2006altera大赛-基于软核Nios的宽谱正弦信号发生器设计:摘要:本设计运用了基于 Nios II 嵌入式处理器的 SOPC 技术。系统以 ALTERA公司的 Cyclone 系列 FPGA 为数字平台,将微处理器、总线、数字频率合成器、存储器和 I/O 接口等硬件设备集中在一片 FPGA 上,利用直接数字频率合成技术、数字调制技术实现所要求波形的产生,用 FPGA 中的 ROM 储存 DDS 所需的波形表,充分利用片上资源,提高了系统的精确度、稳定性和抗干扰性能。使用新的数字信号处理(
- 8位单片机很多地方需要随机数,比如游戏的洗牌,可在timer中取数,但是随机数质 量不高。随机数是一个既简单又复杂的问题,这里的例子使用了众所周知的线性叠加法,没 有完美的方法产生随机数,不过线性叠加法是一个合适的方法,彻底解决8位机随机数的问 题。-eight SCM need many random numbers, such as the shuffling game, in which a few timer. But random quality is not high.
- 在CCS环境下,有些原来的CC中的MAKE文件不能完全等效的打开,本文件旨在解决此问题-the CCS environment, the original CC some of the documents can not be completely MAKE equivalent opened, This paper aims to solve this problem
- USBD12芯片通讯的上位机调试源代码,本版本部分资源已汉化,并解决英文版不能编译问题-USBD12 Chip PC communications debugging source code, the version of some of the resources already signified. English and can not solve the problem Compiler
- 51单片机C语言的编程技巧 在进行单片机应用系统设计时.汇编语言是一种常用的软件工具。它能直接操作硬件.指令的执行速度快。但其指令繁育统的固有格式受硬件结构的限制很大.且难于编写与调试.同时其可移植性也较差。随着单片机硬件性能的提高.其工作速度越来越快.因此在编写单片机应用系统程序时.更着重于程序本身的编写效率。本文介招的C51交叉编译器就是解决连一问题的利器-51 microcontroller C programming language skills during SCM applic
- 用c语言程序解决3次称硬币问题。具体,12个硬币中有一个是假币,假币可能比真币重也可能比真币轻,只用3次称量找出假币。-C language program to solve the said coin. Specifically, 12 coin is a counterfeit money, counterfeit money than the real coin weight may also be lighter than the real coin, used only 3 times