- The VGA example generates a 320x240 diffusion-limited-aggregation (DLA) on Altera DE2 board. A DLA is a clump formed by sticky particles adhering to an existing structure. In this design, we start with one pixel at the center of the screen and allow
- 1). 用红、绿、黄三色发光二极管作信号灯。主干道为东西向,有红、绿、黄三个灯;支干道为南北向,也有红、绿、黄三个灯。红灯亮禁止通行;绿灯亮允许通行;黄灯亮则给行驶中的车辆有时间停靠到禁行线之外。 2).由于主干道车辆较多而支干道车辆较少,所以主干道绿灯时间较长。当主干道允许通行亮绿灯时,支干道亮红灯。而支干道允许通行亮绿灯时,主干道亮红灯,两者交替重复。主干道每次放行50秒,支干道每次放行30秒。 在每次由亮绿灯变成亮红灯的转换过程中间,需要亮5秒的黄灯作为过渡,以使行驶中的车辆有时间
- 第一个状态:主干道、支干道均亮红灯5S * *第二个状态:主干道亮绿灯30S、支干道亮红灯 * *第三个状态:主干道绿灯闪3次转亮黄灯、支干道亮红灯3S * *第四个状态:主干道亮红灯、支干道亮绿灯25S * *第五个状态:主干道亮红灯、支干道绿灯闪3次转亮黄灯3S * *返回到第二个状态-The first state: trunk, branch roads are red second 5S** state: a green light trunk 30S, branc
- 交通灯信号控制器用于主干道与支道公路的交叉路口,要求是优先保证主干道的畅通。因此,平时处于“主干道绿灯,支道红灯”状态,只有在支道有车辆要穿行主干道时,才将交通灯切向“主干道红灯,支道绿灯”,一旦支道无车辆通过路口,交通灯又回到“主干道绿灯,支道红灯”的状态。-Traffic signal controller to the main road intersection with Bypass Road, requested a priority to ensure the smooth flo
- 最立即的潜在用途是强大的闪存代替品 被使用在要求快速读写能力的程序上,例如在相机和usb储存器。-The most immediate potential use is as a powerful replacement for flash memory-the kind used in applications that require quick writing and rewriting capabilities, such as in cameras and usb memory sti