- 89S52加USBD12模拟的一个U盘(源码+原理图+实物照片) Computer00 发表于 2006-3-3 14:09:00 USB-D12文件包下载.rar 这是一个用89S52加PDIUSBD12模拟的一个U盘,里面涉及到USB接口,USB大容量存储设备,FAT16文件系统等内容。插入电脑后,可显示移动磁盘盘符及一个文本文件。 需要说明一下的是,这个包中的原理图,IDE接口部分、74HC573、以及RS232串口等部分,是作为这个实验板的一
- MPLAB 集成开发环境(IDE)是综合的编辑器、项目管理器和设计平台,适用于使用 Microchip 的PICmicro® 系列单片机进行嵌入式设计的应用开发。-MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is an integrated editor, project manager and design platform applicable to the use of Microchip PICmicro
- To increase simulation speed, ModelSim® can apply a variety of optimizations to your design. These include, but are not limited to, mergingprocesses, pulling constants out of loops, clock suppression, and signal collapsing. You control the level o
- This zip file describes how to generate a clock on the PCK pin using the PMC running under AT91RM3400DK with Green hills 3.6.1 Multi® 2000 Software Tool. Includes main.html file for help.
- Application Note Abstract This Application Note introduces a complete and detailed PSoC® project. Telephone Call Logger keeps the detailed record of approximately 945 phone calls (7-digit number is assumed to be one phone call) including date,
- Application Note Abstract The unique configuration of the PSoC® switched capacitor blocks allows construction of a programmable bipolar current source. A detailed explanation of this function is provided demonstrating how to build a programmab
- SHT21, 新一代 Sensirion 湿度和温度传感 器在尺寸与智能方面建立了新的标准:它嵌 入了适于回流焊的双列扁平无引脚DFN 封装, 底面 3 x 3mm ,高度1.1mm。传感器输出经过标 定的数字信号,标准 I2C 格式。 SHT21 配有一个全新设计的CMOSens® 芯 片、一个经过改进的电容式湿度传感元件和 一个标准的能隙温度传感元件,其性能已经 大大提升甚至超出了前一代传感器(SHT1x 和SHT7x)的可靠性水平。例如,新一代湿
- ALU 指令格式(16位) op DR SR fun 0--3 4—7 8--11 12--15 指令类 OP码 指令 FUN 功能描述 控制 0000 NOP 0000 空指令 HLT 0001 停机 有条件跳转 0010 JZ 0000 Z=1,跳转 JC 0001 C=1,跳转 JNC 0010 C=0,跳转 JNZ 0100 Z=0,跳转 Jump 0101 无条件跳转 LOAD 001
- 快速冒泡排序基于FPGA实现,有测试文件以及设计图,实现1024*32位数序的多数排序,突破传统是的REG类型少数排序,利用RAM,针对RAM中的无序数的地址调换,达到排序目的,仅供学习交流-Rapid bubble sort based on FPGA, there are test documents and design drawings to achieve 1024* 32-digit sequence of the majority of sorting, breaking trad
- Advanced TCA相关的一系列规范,包括了The AdvancedTCA™ Base specification、AdvancedTCA Ethernet、AdvancedTCA InfiniBand® 、AdvancedTCA StarFabric和AdvancedTCA for PCI Express™ -Advanced TCA related to a series of norms, including The AdvancedTCA
- 大家熟悉的AVRUSB,最新版本更名了 更新:1.修改了HID-MOUSE代码的配置。 2.项目更名为V-USB -Hid-mouse example used settings from hid-data example, fixed that. Renamed project to V-USB due to a trademark issue with Atmel® .
- 本程序实现应用软件通过并口模拟I2C通讯。 使用前将porttalk.sys复制到 System32\Drivers目录下, 再将porttalk.reg导入注册表。 将其它四个代码文件导入VC工程,主要调用 CParallelToI2C类中的函数。 相信大家可以看明白这个类的函数的作用。 另: 1. 本程序中I2C时钟周期默认为2ms,可以适当调整。 2. 电于电路不同,使用并口引脚不同,可以对类进行适当修改。-Applications of this prog
- i.MX27 PDK 1.0 Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Reference Manual. This reference manual describes the requirements, implementation, and testing for the modules included in Freescale’s software development kit (SDK) for Microsoft® Windows® CE 6.0. Th
- This tutorial gives a descr iption of the features and additions to Xilinx® ISE™ 8.2i. The primary focus of this tutorial is to show the relationship among the design entry tools, Xilinx and third-party tools, and the design implementatio
- 这是在Linux下进行GUI界面开发的全套libminigui软件包。我里面写了一个安装步骤的文档,希望对需要的朋友有用。提醒一下,如果是做移植的话,在进行libminigui的./configure配置和安装reg-host完了以后,还需要回过去把libminigui再重新进行./build....-TFT(中间还有命令),这样就可以把原先的lib库进行一次交叉编译了,在做移植的时候就不会有错误情况出现了。-This is a GUI in Linux under the full set o
- 一种单片机的头文件,很难找,希望对各位同仁能有帮助-A microcontroller header file, it is difficult to find, I hope to have the help of colleagues
- Synchronous register (Behavioral representation) - an 8-bit register to store the values of switches SW7-SW0 on the outputs LEDR7-LEDR0 as the key KEY0 is pressed.
- 由HELLODSP编写的F2812寄存器速查手册,在编写程序的时候,查找相关寄存器相当方便。同时致敬HELLODSP-F2812 register prepared by the HELLODSP Quick Reference, in the preparation program, very easy to find the relevant register. Tribute HELLODSP
- 表晶自动调频机程序 本程序实现对手表晶体的微调功能,而且一次可以调节50pcs,精度非常高。速度非常高,可以完全代替人工磨削工作,比人工的一致性好。-Crystal form FM automatic computer program to achieve the program fine-tuning the watch crystal, and one can adjust 50pcs, accuracy is very high. Speed is very
- PIC单片机内部寄存器的详细资料,供大家查找学习。-Details PIC microcontroller internal registers for everyone to find learning.