- Very simple USB 1.1 PHY. Includes all the goodies: serial/parallel conversion, bit stuffing/unstuffing, NRZI encoding decoding. Uses a simplified UTMI interface. Currently doesn t do any error checking in the RX section [should probably check f
- USB 1.1 slave/device IP core. Default configuration is 6 endpoints: 1 Control, 1 Isochronous IN, 1, Isochronous Out, 1 Bulk IN, 1 Bulk Out, 1 Interrupt IN. Includes control engine, providing full enumeration process in hardware - no external mi
- usb serial core is a vhdl synthesizable code, implementing serial data transfer over usb. Combine with a UTMI-compatible transceiver chip, this core acts as a USB device that transfers a byte stream in both directions over the bus
- ULPI UTMI conversion
- 介绍USB PHY接口中的UTMI接口, 对使用Verilog进行USB接口编程具有帮助。(This paper introduces UTMI interface in USB PHY interface. It is helpful for programming USB interface with Verilog.)