- I/O board control program for U.C.W./Sirael Dana robot.-I/O board control program for U.C.W. /Sirael Dana robot.
- hs12864 液晶显示程序 端口说明: 1 vss GND 2 VDD VCC(5v) 3 V0 VCC(5v) 4 D/I PC4 5 R/W PC5 6 E PC3 7 DB0 PA0 ... 14 DB7 PA7 15 CS1 PC1 16 CS2 PC2 17 RST PC0-hs12864 LCD procedures ports : a VSS GND 2 VDD VCC (5v) 3 V0 VCC (5v) 4 D / I PC4 5 R / W E PC3 recurring
- 可以加载到嵌入式系统终端的键盘驱动程序,实现了键盘初始化,键盘数据读写及复位等功能。- The keyboard driver program can be loaded inbed-system and carry out the function of the initialization keyboard,r/w of keyboard data, reset and so on.
- CPLD对DUSH的读写控制,LINUX下运行.解压即可.-CPLD controls R/W of DUSH. Run in LINUX. Ready to use after unzipped.
- 基于PIC单片机的1-w总线读写函数,可用于数字 温度传感器的数据传输!-PIC on the 1-w Bus reader function can be used for digital temperature sensor data transmission!
- 用在palm上的黑白棋,带人机对战功能,适用在palm os 3.5以上操作系统-with the palm of reversi, with human-computer screen, suitable for the above palm os 3.5 operating system
- The project KEIL_IODemo shows how to use memory allocation routines (malloc) and char I/O (printf, scanf) via a serial interface with the Keil ARM toolchain. The I/O functions are adapted for the Analog Devices ADuC7000 series using the SERIAL.C
- 日本FAMILY按摩椅W-1用的配套操作器程序。带VFD显示,用NEC16位单片机UPD784218-Japan FAMILY massage chairs W-1 used for the matching operation procedures. With VFD shown that NEC16 bit MCU UPD784218
- 腾龙版0802液晶类显示器类程序端口说明:0802液晶:1gnd 2vcc 3vol(对比度调整) 4p2.0(RS 数据命令选择) 5p2.1(R/W读写选择) 6p2.2(E,使能信号) 7----14 p0.0-p0.7(数据总线) 倚天版液晶类显示器类程序端口说明:1602液晶:1gnd 2vcc 3vol(对比度调整) 4p3.0(RS 数据命令选择) 5p3.1(R/W读写选择) 6p3.5(E,使能信号) 7----14 p1.0-p1.7(
- 8051 Serial Port Routines by Kevin W. Clark
- /*********************************************** **** 本原代码转自:www.527dz.com (作者527dz) *** **** 由armok阿莫(www.OurAVR.com)整理及修改 *** **** 2004.10.05 *** ***********************************************/-/*********************************** ********
- Simple I2C controller -- 1) No multimaster -- 2) No slave mode -- 3) No fifo s -- -- notes: -- Every command is acknowledged. Do not set a new command before previous is acknowledged. -- Dout is available 1 clock cycle later as cmd_a
- This model is just testing an idea of MIMO, which IEEE802.11n will have. But I havo not seen the standard, I tried to make it with 11a. Actually this model would not work in real world, because the preambles were not designed to solve the
- 本程序为驱动LCD为LCM161(HD44780驱动器)字符显示器. 接线:LCD D0-D8(PIN7-14) 对映用户板P0.0--P0.7 LCD VSS(PIN1) 接 GND,VDD(PIN2)接+5V,LCD驱动电源V0(PIN3)接可调电阻ADJ,调节亮度 LCD寄存器选择RS(PIN4)接P2.0,读写选择R/W(PIN5)接P2.1,使能端EN(PIN6)接P2.2(高电平 有效) 本程序采用I/O口模仿总线时序,故无需做任何硬件扩展.屏幕显示
- PIC18F1320 bootloader. This a port of the PIC16F87x bootloader to the PIC18F1320. Project includes Microsoft Visual C++ source for the Windows downloader, and assembly source for the PIC core. For more background documentaiton about bootloaders in ge
- LG-C280-W手机原理图,cpu接口非常详细.-LG-C280-W mobile phone schematic, cpu interface very detailed.
- LCD driver CMC-CG1N0298DFSW-W-E CSTN 128*160-LCD driver CMC-CG1N0298DFSW-WE CSTN 128* 160
- Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment by W. Richard Stevens, Stephen A. Rago II Edition
- WTC7514DSI(W)串口扩展芯片的说明,及其示例程序,i2c示例程序-Descr iption WTC7514DSI (W) chip serial port expansion, and sample programs, i2c sample program
- 蜂汇W-002WiFi模块库文件,对wifi开发的同行有帮助!-Bee Department W-002WiFi module library file for wifi developed counterparts to help!