STM32-uCOS-II_UAV.STM32 Cortex-M3下uCOS-II 2.88的最新版移植
- STM32 Cortex-M3下uCOS-II 2.88的最新版移植,包含uC-OSView GPS uCFS SD MMC驱动,STM32 Cortex-M3 under uCOS-II 2.88 of the latest version of transplantation, including uC-OSView GPS uCFS SD MMC driver
- STM32单板上实现了基于USB的可移动的磁盘,插上USB线后可以对电脑上的磁盘的读写来读写NAND FLASH-STM32 board implements the USB-based removable disk, the disk can be read on the computer to read and write NAND FLASH plug in the USB cable