- ucos 在avr单片机运行实例~~ 对于,学习ucos和单片机都很有用-A real example of uCOS running on AVR microcontroller, it is very helpful to learn uCOS and microcontroller.
μCOS-II v2.52 在lpc2000系列ARM上的移植源代码
- uCOS在AVR MEGA系列单片机上的移植,花了2月才完成的,拿出来和大家一起分享-Source code of uC/OS II porting to AVR MEGA series MCU. Spent 2 months in porting and shared for all.
- UCOS/II for ICCAVR - The version of UCOS/II is 2.04 - the original port was done by Ole Saether for the IAR compiler. Jens E. Holtegaard ported one version using ICCAVR. Joerg Meyer did another port (using Jens port as a start?). This
- uC/OS-II 在 AVR 上的移植 如果安装了WinAVR20050214,则直接运行start.bat,输入make all即可开始编译。 如果需要在AVRStudio仿真,运行make extcoff后即可生成调试所需的cof文件。-uC/OS-II in the AVR if the transplant is installed WinAVR20050214, running directly start.bat, enter the beginning of the com
- ucos 在ATmega16上应用的例子,非常实用。-it is a very useful example using ucos-ii in the avr mega16 platform.simple and easy to master.
- 51上面的UCOS编程 基本实现了液晶 LED 和按键 AD等外设功能 适合学习-51 above the basic achievement of programming UCOS LCD AD, such as LED and key peripheral functions suitable for learning
- ucos rtos task for led blinking by each task using suspend and resume method
- 支持STM8和AVR的轻量级RTOS Atomthreads v1.2,可替代UCOS快速的完成工程开发,原网站为http://atomthreads.com/,本模板为IARforSTM8下的工程,由PanHao制作生成。-AVR support STM8 and lightweight RTOS Atomthreads v1.2, alternative UCOS rapid development of construction, the original site for the htt
- 使用ATMEGA128单片机(AVR单片机)移植UCOS-II系统,控制3个IO点灯的任务。环境:ICCAVR 7.13,仿真工具proteus7.8,编程语言:C。在网上下载的很多源码要么编译通不过,要么通过了无法正常运行。自己修改下载的文件,最终让其重见天日,希望对需要的人有所帮助。-The use of ATMEGA128 MCU (microcontroller AVR) transplantation of UCOS-II system, control of 3 IO lightin