- 如果遇到MD5加密文件,而又不知道密码的, 请在数据库中换上这组加密的数据吧 16位:7a57a5a743894a0e 32位:21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 那么密码就是admin-if they MD5 encryption, and do not know the password. please database with a group of encrypted data it 16 : 7a57a5a743894a0e 32
- 数据加密算法(Data Encryption Algorithm,DEA)的数据加密标准(Data Encryption Standard,DES)是规范的描述,它出自 IBM 的研究工作,并在 1997 年被美国政府正式采纳。它很可能是使用最广泛的秘钥系统,特别是在保护金融数据的安全中,最初开发的 DES 是嵌入硬 件中的。通常,自动取款机(Automated Teller Machine,ATM)都使用 DES。文件是DES代码的VHDL描述 -Data encryption algor
- VHDL & Verilog Synthesizable model of the Data Encryption Standard (DES)
- This is verilog source code for DES(Data Encryption standard) which is used in network security.
- 在ISE平台上,利用Verilog编程实现数据的DES加密-In the ISE platform, using Verilog programming DES data encryption
- 32位nios ii处理器用于对RSA加密模块进行数据传送与处理-Nios ii processor 32-bit RSA encryption module used for data transmission and processing
- Data Encryption Standard
- a triple-DES (Data Encryption Standard) hardware descr iption in verilog-HDL with testbench
- 本文介绍了AES 数据加密结构, 以及相关的有限域的知识及简单运算, 提出了一种用FPGA 高速实现AES 算法的方案, 该方 案设计的加密模块支持AES 标准的三种密钥长度: 128,192,256, 支持ECB, CBC, CTR 三种工作模式, 即支持feedback 和non- feedback 两种模式, 最后给出了本设计的性能指标-This article describes the AES data encryption structure, as well as the
- this code is for IDEA(international data encryption algorithm)
- This project presents FPGA implementations of the DES and Triple-DES with improved security against power analysis attacks. The proposed designs use Boolean masking, a previously introduced technique to protect smart card implementations from these
- Data Encryption Standard(DES) VHDL Source Code
- Encryption has become a part and parcel of our lives and we have accepted the fact that data is going to encrypted and decrypted at various stages. However, there is not a single encryption algorithm followed everywhere. There are a number of algorit
- Encryption has become a part and parcel of our lives and we have accepted the fact that data is going to encrypted and decrypted at various stages. However, there is not a single encryption algorithm followed everywhere. There are a number of algorit
- Encryption has become a part and parcel of our lives and we have accepted the fact that data is going to encrypted and decrypted at various stages. However, there is not a single encryption algorithm followed everywhere. There are a number of algorit
- 该程序包括数据的发送,加密,奇偶校验,接收,解密等模块,实现了一个完整的收发操作。为了测试方便,我们将接收到的数据直接引入发送端口,为此,我们编写了测试脚本文件,验证程序的正确性。该程序模块较多,读者可参考压缩包内的原理框图文件,以便于理解。-The program includes sending, encryption, parity, receive, decrypt data modules to achieve a complete transceiver operation. In
- This file is top level entity of decrypt_8 project. This project is 8_bit decryption for TEA algorithm. You can change number of bits (at least 32 bit for TEA). This project is only for one round. You should use input as encryption output so that you
- 用verilog实现的DES(Data Encryption Standard数据加密标准),把64位明文输入变为64位密文输出块。-Using DES (Data Encryption Standard Data Encryption Standard) verilog to achieve, the 64 plaintext input into 64 output ciphertext block.
- 进行对数运算的IP核,可以计算以2,10,e为底的对数,最高可输入24bit宽度的数据。 由AHDL语言写成,可在MaxplusII和QuartusII中使用,源代码加密。(The IP kernel that performs logarithmic operations can compute data at the base of 2, 10, and E, with the highest input 24bit width. Written in AHDL language, can
Coding Files
- We present an efficient hardware architecture design & implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard AES Rijndael cryptosystem. The AES algorithm defined by the National Institute of Standard and Technology NIST of United States has been widely