- he LPC932 can be used to create a Pulse Width Modulated PWM signal. That s an analog signal, with only 2 discrete levels, for example 0V and 5V and a constant period. The current value of this signal at a certain poiTnt of time is proportional to its
- The MATLAB coding style, project options and synthesis directives can have a significant effect on the final results. Knowledge about how a particular algorithm should be implemented in hardware can be reflected in the MATLAB code to improve the resu
- 原始数据以Kiwi格式存储在GTBL.dat的二进制文件中,具体的文件格式请参照ReveseTableFormat.xls 中的“逆引表格式”sheet.-this procedure is the function of the navigation data of the road data collation, analysis. Kiwi to the original data stored in the format of the binary file GTBL.dat, spec
- GPRS-GPS车载机控制源码,使用SIM300模块,有短消息发送、接收,TCP、UDP连接控制源代码。,GPRS-GPS Vehicle Control source, use SIM300 module, there is a short message to send, receive, TCP, UDP connections to control the source code.
- 2007年G题 积分型直流数字电压表设计 里面包含电路图,源程序,真正不用费力去寻找原理图。本设计为16位高分辨率的三斜积分式直流数字电压表, A/D转换器部分采用普通元器件构成模拟部分,利用MEGA8单片机借助软件实现数字计数显示功能,同时采用MEGA8单片机编程实现直流电压表量程。 -G points title in 2007 DC Digital Voltmeter design containing schematics, source code, not easy to fi
- rtdsr v0.6 - RTD 1283 bootloader recovery (sources)-rtdsr: Serial Recovery utility for Realtek RTD1283/Mars SoCs This program is meant to be used in the Serial Recovery console from the Realtek RTD1283 SoC BootROM ("s/d/g/c>"). It provides
- P1.0—P1.2分别为南北方向的红,黄,绿灯; P1.3——P1.5为东西方向的红,黄,绿灯;共阴极数码管的a,b,c,d,e,f,g,dp分别接P0.0-P0.7;数码管V0-V2分别接P2.0——P2.2(V0为百位,V1为10位,V2为个位);南北为主干道,能行时间180秒,黄灯亮3秒,东西为乡村道,通行时间为60秒,黄灯亮3秒;采用T0为中断源,扫描显示数码管,T1为定时器,每次定时0.5秒,两次计数1秒。 -P1.0-P1.2 north-south direction, re
- 通过本例程能使读者更好了解点阵的扫描原理-Through this routine allows the reader to better understand the scanning principle lattice
- 用C编写的软件UART,需要一个计时器设定为3倍 波特率和两个软件的读/写引脚用于接收和发送功能。 -Generic software uart written in C, requiring a timer set to 3 times the baud rate, and two software read/write pins for the receive and transmit functions.
- avr butterfly in IAREWAR ported to G-avr butterfly in IAREWAR ported to GCC
- This code is used to open TCP server socket for Microchip Wifi G demo board
- USB3380-AB50NI G Avago Technologies 输入/输出控制器资料-The USB 3380 is a PCI Express Gen 2 to USB 3.0 SuperSpeed Peripheral Controller
- 3G 模块驱动,华为的,linux下直接进行替换和添加,操作说明包含在文件中。-3 g module driver, huawei, under Linux directly to replace and add, instructions included in the file.
stm32 MMS8451
- MMA8451三轴加速度计 STM32F103c8t6单片机控制程序,可以设置加速度计量程,±2g、±4g、±8g,但是程序里2g和4g模式下精度很高很准确,8g模式下采集到的数据存在问题,通过串口打印输出,显示单位是g。程序内关键部分已添加注释,希望可以帮到大家。(MMA8451 three axis accelerometer STM32F103c8t6 microcontroller control program, can set the accelerometer range, + 2
stm32+MMS8451 V1.4
- MMA8451 测量三轴加速度信息,三种动态量程可以调,oled显示单位是g,串口输出打印、关键地方已经加好注释,自己可以根据注释更改量程。(MMA8451 measurement of three axis acceleration information, three dynamic range can be adjusted, OLED display unit is g, serial output print, the key place has been added annotati