- 实现多边形区域扫描线填充的有序边表算法,并将实现的算法应用于任意多边形的填充,多边形的顶点可由键盘输入或鼠标拾取,填充要准确,不能多填也不能少填。 要求掌握边形区域扫描线填充的有序边表算法的基本原理和算法设计,画出算法实现的程序流程图,使用C或者VC++实现算法,并演示。 -Scan-line polygon fill the region to achieve the orderly side of the table algorithm, and the algorithm is a
- 分别采用DDA法、中点画线法和Bresenham画线算法编制直线扫描转换程序。从键盘输入两端点坐标,就能在显示器屏幕上画出对应的线段。-Using the DDA method, in line and stipple painting line algorithm Bresenham line scan conversion process. Keyboard input from the two end points of the coordinates, we can draw in th
- 扫描4X4键盘,当有键按下被识别以后蜂鸣器鸣响一声,并 将键值在数码管和8个LED上显示,同时将键值通过串口发 送给PC机-key
- 单片机最小系统设计,主要有时钟和温度传感器以及键盘扫描芯片。-The software in WinCE is the main control module, and periphery single chip system is the assistant module. The system includes video capture, web server and single chip system, which can catch the real time temperature
- 分别采用DDA法、中点画线法和Bresenham画线算法编制直线扫描转换程序。从键盘输入两端点坐标,就能在显示器屏幕上画出对应的线段。-Using the DDA method, in line and stipple painting line algorithm Bresenham line scan conversion process. Keyboard input from the two end points of the coordinates, we can draw in th