- 已知图象4点坐标和转换后图像相对应4点坐标, 利用openCV求出homograghy 3x3 矩阵, 然后输出变换后图像,There is an input image called "warpin". The goal is to warp this image so that the tiles are approximately square, that is the camera is rotated to look down, which produces an image call
- opencv 2.3 英文详解 比较新 目录如下 Introduction 1 1.1 API Concepts 12 core. The Core Functionality 7 2.1 Basic Structures .7 2.2 Basic C Structures and Operations 45 2.3 Dynamic Structures 77 2.4 Operations on Arrays104 2.5 Drawing Functions
- 医学图像处理,医学图像2D_3D配准,基于vc++开发。-(¨a© ?« ?¬ ,- ® f« dˉ$° m jTonm? m?tYlhvft?mp±2mp_plnrs m rst`lnmptu r3l `′¥} v? m w$i?mplnaTb`wμe\b?ohonrszdr¶ wIonm?zf′ rs
- 实用的高光谱分类软件,是以交互方式分析 Landsat 系列地球卫星的高光谱数据, AVIRIS 的地球观测的多光谱图像数据处理系统。-MultiSpec (© Purdue Research Foundation) is a processing system for interactively analyzing Earth observational multispectral image data such as that produced by the Landsat seri