- 深入浅出介绍计算机视觉的最新动态。内容包括: * Camera calibration using 3D objects, 2D planes, 1D lines, and self-calibration * Extracting camera motion and scene structure from image sequences * Robust regression for model fitting using M-estimators, RANSAC, and
- 实现了1D,2D,3D空间自由度下的运动参数的扩展Kalman滤波算法,文章2008 IROS Visual SLAM for 3D Large-Scale Seabed Acquisition Employing Underwater Vehicles的具体实现。-a novel technique to align partial 3D reconstructions of the seabed acquired by a stereo camera mounted on an au
- In this paper, we present a comparison of four novel algorithms that have been applied to the tracking of people in an indoor scenario. Tracking is carried out in 3D or 2D (ground plane) to provide position information for a variety of survei
- DeepFace一文依旧是沿着“检测-对齐-人脸表示-分类”这一人脸识别技术路线来的,其贡献在于对人脸对齐和人脸表示环节的改进。1)在人脸对齐环节,引入了3D人脸模型对有姿态的人脸就行分片的仿射对齐。2)在人脸表示环节,利用一个9层的深度卷积在包含4000人、400万张人脸的数据集上学习人脸表示,这个9层的DCNN网络有超过1.2亿个参数。本文的模型在LFW数据集上取得了97.25 的平均精度(逼近了人类97.5 的极限),同时在Youtube数据集上取得了当前最好的结果,比之前的NO.1整整高