- 基于掌纹识别的在线身份验证 识别算法本科毕设 采集本科毕设 供毕设参考-based biometric authentication of online undergraduate recognition algorithm based Bi Bi-based undergraduate collection for BI-based reference
- 开发三维必用的SDAppwizard,是所有开发三维的基础文档。-development of the three-dimensional Bi SDAppwizard, all of the development is the basis of 3D files.
- Bi-dimensional Gabor filter with DC component compensation This version of the 2D Gabor filter is basically a bi-dimensional Gaussian function centered at origin (0,0) with variance S modulated by a complex sinusoid with polar frequency (F,W) an
- Jbig2解码代码包。包中有样例程序。 jbig2dec is a decoder library and example utility implementing the JBIG2 bi-level image compression spec. Also known as ITU T.88 and ISO IEC 14492, and now included by reference in Adobe s PDF 1.4.
- big2enc is a fairly fully featured JBIG2 encoder. JBIG2 encodes bi-level (1 bpp) images using a number of clever tricks to get better compression than G4. ,big2enc is a fairly fully featured JBIG2 encoder. JBIG2 encodes bi-level (1 bpp) images using
- 利用已有的摄像头内外参数,将侧视图通过透视变换转换为俯视图,并保存所得到的单应性矩阵H,内含运行实例-Use of existing internal and external camera parameters, the side view through the perspective transformation into top view, and save the resulting homography matrix H, containing a running instance
- 雙線性內插法(bi-linear interpolation) 此方法以(x,y)的四個鄰近點來求得最近似的灰度 -err
- 采用单向多参考帧的运动估计算法,附1/4像素内插算法,能够实现较准确的运动估计,目前性能稍逊于双向运动估计-Using one-way multi-reference frame motion estimation algorithm, with 1/4 pixel interpolation algorithm, to achieve more accurate motion estimation, the current performance of low achievers in the
- Coding of Still Pictures (JBIG Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group)JBIG图像压缩标准-Coding of Still Pictures (JBIG Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group) JBIG image compression standard
- 双向亚像素运动估计算法,具体步骤如下: (1) 进行整像素精度的双向运动估计; (2) 以(1)得到的运动矢量所指向的像素点为中心,内插1/2像素点,再进行双向运动估计; 依此类推,直到得到所需的像素精度为止。 -Bi-directional sub-pixel motion estimation algorithm, concrete steps are as follows: (1) for the whole two-pixel accuracy motion estima
- 图像中Up-conversion算法 使用运动估计来进行宏块估计,其中使用双向运动估计来提取信息-Up-conversion of images using motion estimation algorithm for macroblock estimates, which use bi-directional motion estimation to extract the information
- 采用国际标准测试图lena进行测试。分别采用“基于像素放大原理的图像放大”、“基于双线性插值原理的图像放大”两种方法进行图像分割。并附有注释、程序清晰、易于阅读。相信图像初学者阅读后必定会有很大的-image enlarge, pixel enlarge based method, bi-linear insert method
- -- Universal Register -- This design is a universal register which can be used as a straightforward storage register, a bi-directional shift register, an up counter and a down counter. -- The register can be loaded from a set of parallel data in
- 基于扩频序列和小波变换的数字水印算法 的仿真程序-Sequence spread-spectrum based on wavelet transform and the digital watermarking algorithm simulation program
- 使用了Arnold置乱算法,实现了基于小波变换的数字图像水印-Arnold used the scrambling algorithm based on wavelet transform of digital image watermarking
- 一种基于小波变换的水印算法实现 附件包括彩色原图-Watermarking based on the wavelet domain
- 用二维离散小波变换实现数字水印,实验效果良好。供参考学习并交流,-Two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform implementation of digital watermarking, experiments good results. For information to learn and exchange,
- MATLAB基于小波变换的图像水印程序,还可以-MATLAB image watermarking based on wavelet transform procedure can also be
- 采用“纹理识别”的方式进行笔迹鉴别,利用Gabor变换提取不同频率、不同方向的笔迹特征,最后使用KNN或SVM(支持向量机)对待测样本进行类别判别。-A " texture recognition" approach to handwriting identification using Gabor transform to extract different frequency, the handwriting characteristics of different dir
- 二值图像连通域标记的算法_Word文档下总结,有三个文档,相当齐全哦~-Algorithms of connected components labeling of bi-image. Detailed and complete summary of 3 word files