- vb做的图形(opengl)-vb does graph (opengl)
- 融合图像源码,通过对话框选择源因子和目标因子,从外部设置图像的整体透明性,控制图像显示方式-image fusion source, through the dialog box to choose the source and target factor factor from the external image of the overall set of transparency, control image display mode
- 国外程序员编写的基于OpenGL的3D地形引擎。 errain Engine I started working on a terrain engine around October 2000. I was deeply moved by screenshots from black and white :) My intention and main goal was to create something visually stunning. This mean
- Match two perspective images by an homography related a common planar surface (book cover). You need the input image bookcovers1.ppm and bookcovers2.ppm. Result image is called blendhomography.ppm -perspective images by an homogra + phy related a com
- DecklinkKeyer is a simple dialog based Microsoft Windows video keying and preview application. It can blend either still images, BMPs or AVI movies over the input video of DeckLink cards that support keying.
- 2D矢量图形显示开发包 完全遵循2D矢量图形显示标准OpenVG 1.0.1,支持2D矢量图形显示的多数功能: 1)Path, Stroke, join, fill显示 2)直线,2次/3次Bezier曲线,圆弧...显示 3)图形窗口裁减,Rect Scissor, Alpha Mask. 4)Blend显示 5)图象显示及图象特效(锐化,柔化,高斯变换, Color Matrix等) 6)梯度填充:线性和放射性梯度填充 其他高级功能 文件包中包含:
- In the last tutorial I taught you how to display Triangles and Quads on the screen. In this tutorial I will teach you how to add 2 different types of coloring to the triangle and quad. Flat coloring will make the quad one solid color. Smooth coloring
- Expanding on the last tutorial, we ll now make the object into TRUE 3D object, rather than 2D objects in a 3D world. We will do this by adding a left, back, and right side to the triangle, and a left, right, back, top and bottom to the square. By doi
- nehe的源代码,调试通过,能运行
- 简单明了的opengl融合、透明例子,仅供学习参考!-Opengl integration simple and transparent example of reference for learning!
- vb做的图形(opengl)-vb does graph (opengl)
- 获取摄像头视频图像后,在图像中加入自己想要的图片,并在对画框显示效果-Camera to obtain video image after the image you want to add his own pictures, and show the effects of frame
- 采用opengl实现雾化效果演示程序,场景中包含茶壶-Atomization used to achieve the effect of opengl demo program, scene contains teapot
- Describes blending modes to blend image A with Image B using different blending like Multiply, Add, Light Soft
- 此程序在使用3d眼镜时提供3d立体效果。本作品演示,如何应用wpf的shader效果来实现此类图片,可应用于任何一种wpf界面元素中-Anaglyph images provide a 3D stereoscopic effect when viewed with red/cyan glasses. This article shows how to use a WPF shader effect to blend a left and right image to produce the an
- Opengl es 1.0 透明物体,混合-Opengl es 1.0 transparent objects, blend
- opengl中的混合的例子,使用glEnable(GL_BLEND)和glBlendFunc(source, destination) 来控制混合的模式等 -This tutorial demonstrates blending in OpenGL. Blending in OpenGL is very easy.. You will be able to blend textures, colors, etc.. Into nice looking special effects..
- 演示Opengl纹理混合的技术。简单明了,经过代码优化。-Opengl texture blending technology demonstration. Simple, after code optimization.
- 图像融合,左右两幅图像进行金字塔融合.图像融合,左右两幅图像进行金字塔融合,图像融合,左右两幅图像进行金字塔融合-image blend
- 人脸融合 将两张人脸进行融合 使用了拉普拉斯金字塔变换 并且添加了边缘柔化蒙版-pyramid blend