- 这是我写的一个实现点选中多边形的数值算法,算法进行了特别设计,速度很快,可以判断点在浮点型的多变形中或在多边形外,可以移植到UNIX或linux平台,因为这两个平台没有CRect的PtInRect() 和 CRgn的PtInRgn()函数,这是一个很高效的算法-This is the one I wrote to achieve Polygon click the numerical algorithm, the algorithm specifically designed, very fas
- 本人的小波课作业: 图像的daub4小波包分解和重构,以及画shannon小波函数等-I wavelet class operations : Image daub4 wavelet packet decomposition and reconstruction. shannon and paintings such as wavelet function
- paintlib is a portable C++ class library for image loading, saving and manipulation. Images can be loaded from BMP, GIF, IFF, JPEG, PCX, PGM, PICT, PNG, PSD, SGI, TGA, TIFF and WMF files and saved in BMP, JPEG, PNG and TIFF formats-paintlib portable
- ImageStone is a powerful C++ class library for image manipulation. it is portable and requiring only a recompiling on any platform. It includes load/save, display, histogram, undo/redo and over 100 predefined filters. It is a mature and easy-to-use i
- 矩阵中的每一个元素称为像元、像素或图像元素。而g(i, j)代表(i, j)点的灰度值,即亮度值。 由于g (i, j)代表该点图像的光强度(亮度),而光是能量的一种形式,故g (i, j)必须大于零,且为有限值,即: 0<=g (i, j)<2n。 用g (i, j)的数值来表示(i, j)位置点上灰度级值的大小,即只反映了黑白灰度的关系。 数字化采样一般是按正方形点阵取样的, -each of the matrix elements known as a pixel, pixe
- 矩阵中的每一个元素称为像元、像素或图像元素。而g(i, j)代表(i, j)点的灰度值,即亮度值。 由于g (i, j)代表该点图像的光强度(亮度),而光是能量的一种形式,故g (i, j)必须大于零,且为有限值,即: 0<=g (i, j)<2n。 用g (i, j)的数值来表示(i, j)位置点上灰度级值的大小,即只反映了黑白灰度的关系。 数字化采样一般是按正方形点阵取样的, -each of the matrix elements known as a pixel, pixe
- CxImage is a C++ class that can load, save, display, transform images in a very simple and fast way. CxImage grew together with the CodeProject site, since 2001, and reached this level thanks to the CodeProject community. Thanks a lot for the sug
- JEQ is class library written in pure Java. It implements the infinite impulse response (IIR) algorithm for bandpass filtering of sound stream. So, it represents a backend code for stereo 10/15/25/31-band equalizer.-JEQ class library is written in pur
- 添加颜色: 作为第二课的扩展,我将叫你如何使用颜色。你将理解两种着色模式,在左图中,三角形用的是光滑着色,四边形用的是平面着色。 -add color : As the expansion of the second class, I will tell you how to use color. You will understand two color pattern of the Left, the triangle is smooth coloring, with the
- 两副图像的特征点匹配,其中用了opencv类库,功能包括:特征点的亚像素精度检测,特征点初始匹配,基本矩阵计算及对极约束引导匹配等。matcher.rar网上的都是有错误,而且缺少类库,我把错误改正了,把所有需要的类库都加上了,现在已经编译通过,保证能运行!希望大家喜欢,2 points, matching the characteristics of images, which used the opencv library, features include: Feature Point D
- A Multiple Selection based Control Tracker Often in developing designer and CAD related applications, one needs the functionality of moving and resizing selected objects around. MFC run-time provides one class i.e. CRectTracker that does something
- 手写程序,自动识别英文,汉字,数字。功能强大。-Handwriting program ms ink class Handwriting program,Handwriting program is activex auto Handwriting program Handwriting program Handwriting program
- POINT三维点类,支持常规点运算,平移、旋转、坐标换算等-POINT three-dimensional point class, I support the conventional point of computing, translation, rotation, coordinate conversion, etc.
- 一个自由绘制曲线的VC实例源程序,其中还有一个多媒体定时器的源代码,以及一个scope绘制类,希望能对大家有帮助-Draw the curve of a free source code VC instance in which there is a multimedia timer source code, and a scope drawing class, I hope you can help
- 动态数据显示类,平时写程序时经常需要示波器显示数据。但是好的控件不是免费的。由于程序的需要,我写了一个类用于数据显示。现在我把类公开,大家相互学习。-Dynamic data type, usually when you write a program often need the oscilloscope display the data. But the good control is not free. Because the program needs, I wrote a class
- 添加颜色: 作为第二课的扩展,我将叫你如何使用颜色。你将理解两种着色模式,在左图中,三角形用的是光滑着色,四边形用的是平面着色。 -Add color: as the second extension of class, I will tell you how to use color. You will understand the two kinds of color modes, in the left, with a smooth colored triangle, qua
- A C# class I created for Detecting and Cropping the edge of ID cards scanned by normal scanners, of both white background and black background. Needs AForge.Imaging library from http://code.google.com/p/aforge/ Please review and tell me wha
- 基于MATLAB平台工作,对图像文件中的果实(类圆形果实)进行识别,通过图像灰度化,二值化,提取边缘,Hough变换等一系列步骤后,对果实图像进行特征提取以获取所需信息。通过对边缘的提取识别图像,便于机器识别。-Work based on MATLAB, the fruit image files (class round fruits) identify the image gray value, edge extraction, Hough transform a series of ste
- Otsu方法是一种全局化的动态二值化方法,又叫大津法,是一种灰度图像二值化的常用算法。该算法的基本思想是:设使用某一个阈值将灰度图像根据灰度大小,分成目标部分和背景部分两类,在这两类的类内方差最小和类间方差最大的时候,得到的阈值是最优的二值化阈值。-Otsu method is a globally-oriented dynamic binary method, also known Otsu is a gray image binarization commonly used algorith
- 关于人脸识别的程序,自己上课交作业用的,感觉挺好用的-On face recognition program, with its own homework in class, I feel very good use