- MFC实现的位图矢量量化程序。使用LGB算法训练码本,多次训练直到收敛到一定程度。可以输出量化结果和量化信噪比。-MFC bitmap vector quantization process. Hungarian Gripen training algorithm for the use of the code, many training until convergence to a certain extent. Output can be quantified and quantitati
- 用小波变换和LGB编码的方法压缩黑白图片。对图像进行小波变换后,仅对细节系数进行压缩,而且不同小波变换层的细节系数的压缩程度不一样。-Using wavelet transform and coding method LGB compress black and white picture. After the wavelet transform of the image, only the details of the coefficient is compressed, and differ
- 介绍图片的矢量量化方法,主要介绍了LGB算法,对刚接触图像处理的学生来说是一个简单易懂的图像压缩实现方法。-Image vector quantization method introduced, introduces the LGB algorithm, for students new to image processing is a straightforward image compression implementation.