- N个源码实例,学习OPENGL的一定要-N source examples, learning OpenGL must s
- GraphicEx is an addendum to Delphi s Graphics.pas in order to enable your application to load many common image formats. This library is primarily designed to load images as background (buttons, forms, toolbars) and textures (DirectX, OpenGL) or for
- 给定n维空间中的m个非空点集S1,…,Sm,如果直线L与每个点集均有公共点,则称L为这m个点集的一条直线穿越(line transversal 或 stabbing line)。同样,如果线段K(本文中的线段均指闭线段,且包括单点集)与每个点集均有公共点,则称K为这m个点集的一条线段穿越(segment transversal 或 stabbing line segment)。穿越的概念是海莱定理(Helly’s theorem)的延伸,它的存在性等问题一直是计算几何中海莱类定理(Helly-t
- To carry on small comparison for he different threshold value under the image segmentation result, have to use many windows,namely for take a look at a different threshold value of slice segmentation ’s result at same window , the window be divided i
- EasyBMPtoAVI is a simple, easy-to-use, cross-platform utility for creating an avi movie file from a series of windows bitmap (BMP) images. Some features: 1) Support for reading all bit-depths supported by EasyBMP. At the present time,
- The table surface is divided into N by M square cells. Some cubes are stacked one upon another over the cells, forming towers. For each cell the number of cubes stacked over it is given in the matrix A. -The table surface is divided into N by M squa
- Compute a segmented image (Iseg) containing n classes by means of Otsu s n-thresholding method (Otsu N, A Threshold Selection Method from Gray-Level Histograms, IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. 9:62-66 1979).
- 研究在普通的PC机下开发高质量的视景仿真系统。在Window X P系统下 , 以Vi s u a l C ++为开发平台, 利用 O p e n GL和 3 D S MA X, 运用面向对象编程的思想, 采用 Wi n 3 2 Ap p l i c a t i o n的编程方法。首先介绍了 Op e n G L及如何利 用 它生成地面和天空 。采用 Op e n GL函数进行摄像漫游和调入 由 3 DS MAX绘 制的 3 DS模型 , 较好 地解决了用 Op e n GL
- DEM的规则格网存储结构是一个二维点阵,由于其高度与宽度已知,因此可以用一个一维数组p[n]进行管理,设原点的平面位置为(0, 0),DEM的长度与宽度分别为s和t,则任意一点(i,j)的高程值为p[i×t+j]。规则格网的这种简明结构,事实上已经对DEM数据进行了很好的组织,因此将格网数据读入内存,而无需使用其它任何结构进行管理,直接对读入的DEM数据块进行处理,生成格网面。 利用bitmap将DEM位图中的数据读入到程序数组中,其中规则网格将区域空间切分为规则的格网单元, 每个格网单元对
- This code is described in \"Computational Geometry in C\" (Second Edition), Chapter 7. It is not written to be comprehensible without the explanation in that book. This program reads a polygon P followed by query points from stdin. The in
- 在第1章中,我们首先讨论在使用和不使用M F C的情况下创建一个窗口,以便清楚地了解 M F C是如何工作的。M F C窗口既可以由属于M F C的C + +类创建,也可以由一个早于并存在于 M F C之外的非C + +窗口类创建。我们将进一步观看窗口类并讨论那些由Wi n d o w s操作系统提 供的窗口类。最后,再看看M F C应用程序中都有什么。
- This zip file contains source code and windows executables for carrying out face detection on a gray scale image. The code implements Viola-Jones adaboosted algorithm for face detection by providing a mex implementation of OpenCV s face detector. Ins
- 把一个256*256的图像分成8*8小块,然后进行DFT变换,分别比较在空间域和频域内对图像进行二次抽样和差值最后得出的图像比较-1. Get a grey level image which size is N*N. (For example, 256*256, however, N = ), and partition to 8*8 sub images. 2. Apply DFT to these sub images, and get the fourier transfo
- n皇后算法,多边形裁减,正方体旋转,三角形的绘制与填充,画虚的直线和曲线-n Queen s algorithm, polygon reduction, cube spins, drawing a triangle with the filling, painting imaginary straight lines and curves
- 画出满足差分方程:y[n]-1.25y[n-1]+0.75y[n-2]-0.125y[n-3]=x[n]+0.5x[n-1],离散时间信号X[n]的双边z变换是离散傅里叶变换的推广,而离散时间傅里叶变换在研究离散时间信号与系统中是很有用的。 -Drawn to meet the difference equation: y [n]-1.25y [n-1]+ 0.75y [n-2]-0.125y [n-3] = x [n]+ 0.5x [n-1], discrete-time signal X
- 简单的小波压缩变换工作的原理如下: 信号和求导信号,形成的求同信号序列和求导信号序列的长度均为输入信号的长度的一半.如果输入信号序列是A={a(1),...,a(n)}求同信号S={s(1),...,s(n/2)}和求异信号D={d(1),...,d(n/2)}的计算方式为: for i=1,...,n/2 s(i)=a(2*i-1)+a(2*i) d(i)=a(2*i-1)-a(2*i) 例如输入信号是: 5,2,3,2,5,7,9,6
- 可以显示任意位置立方体在光源下的投射阴影。a/s/d/o/p/m/n分别可以控制立方体前后左右移动及旋转-Cube can be displayed anywhere in the light under the shadow of the projection. a/s/d/o/p/m/n-cube can be controlled separately before and after the movement and rotation around
- 一种快速的图像定位方法 一种快速的图像定位方法-A Ra pi d Lo c a t i o n Me t h o d o f Ve hi c l e Li c e n s e Pl a t e
- N-S方程的微分形式,包括二维的,三维的,圆柱坐标系中-NS equations, differential forms
- 自动实现N-S方程,只需要用户设置节点坐标,节点数目,进行流体、磁场计算-Automatic implementation of N-S equation, only need to set the node coordinates, the number of nodes, the fluid, magnetic field calculation