- 自己做的一个物理实验小程序,模拟点电荷电力线的试验-doing a physics experiment of small programs, simulated point charge of the power line test
- 驻波演示程序。可以用于微波,大学物理等课程教学,也可用于初学着熟悉tcanvas,ttimer控件使用。-SWR demonstration program. Can be used in microwave, university physics courses teaching and learning can be used with familiar TCanvas, TTimer use controls.
- 这是在物理上的应用,陀螺仪的演示。希望对大家有所帮助。-This is the physics of the application, the gyroscope's demonstration. We want to help.
Physics for game decelopers - hover
- < Physics for game developers>> PHYSICS FOR GAME DEVELOPERS CHAPTER 17 EXAMPLE PROGRAM NAME: Hover PURPOSE: To demonstrate 2D rigid body simulation BY: David Bourg DATE: 09/01/00 COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2000 by David Bo
- 物理中的杨氏干涉实验的MATLAB源代码,下载后直接运行就可以显示出来干涉图样.-physics of Young's interference experiment MATLAB source code, download it directly on the running interference pattern displayed.
- 自相似分形的MATLAB程序,来源于物理系学生,请广大读者给于批评与指正.-self-similar fractal MATLAB, students from the Department of Physics, to the readers to criticism and correction.
- 用c语言建立物理模型 本人和同学大一物理作业-establish himself and the physical model freshman physics students operation
- 一个3D动态物理引擎,用来仿真模拟真实世界-a 3D dynamic physics engine simulation to the real world
- 基于碰撞物理学的偶人动画,展示了一个可怜的角色被抛到空中的碰撞过程。碰撞到物体后根据自身的质点弹簧系统计算运动状态。-on collision physics program is animation, displaying a poor role was thrown into the air collision course. After the collision of objects based on their mass spring system to calculate the m
- This article is a fine example of what happens when programmers get bored. There s nothing exciting in the code, maybe a gentle introduction to GDI+. It was just a fun project to mess with, and it s addictive to play with. So I thought I might share
- Rendering terrains with Managed DirectX There aren t many 3D games without a terrain. Creating and rendering a terrain, and the physics involved when, for example, driving on it with a car can be quite difficult. This article will demonstrate one t
- 一个具有物理作用的粒子系统,全程有CB编写-have a role in particle physics, a wholly prepared CB
- 此程序了模拟太阳九大行星运动并实现了纹理,控制运动等操作-simulated solar physics movement and the achievement of texture, movement control operation
- 一个简单实用的开源物理引擎,代码非常精炼,包括赛车源码,open source ,Physics Engine ,include car demo!
- opengl下的物理引擎的场景管理的介绍-opengl physics engine under the descr iption of the scene management
- 本代码主要在VC++环境下实现opengl的物理实验演示效果,如果不能通过编译,可用opengl开发库(opengl development library)先进行环境配置。-The code is mainly in VC++ environment to achieve opengl physics experiments demonstrate the effect, if not compile opengl development libraries available (opengl
- Mick West制作的烟雾流体物理动画(Fluid Physics Example)模拟效果程序,带有工文件,本代码基于DirectX,可以用VS.net编译运行,代码中有编译指导,并且附件中带有可执行程序,可以直接运行并实时操作。-This source code is Mick West s Fluid Physics Example. It is a smoke simulation code project based on DirectX. Permission is hereby
- Hi, Particle system physical simulation is implimented in MS visual studio using OpenGL. Uses TRAER PHYSICS tutorial.
- Physics simulation demo, shows falling and jumping balls, each has different mass, elasticity, etc. Good example to start with 2D physics.
- 分别从功能及其特色等角度分析比较目前主流的3D物理引擎-3D physics engine is currently relatively mainstream