- Title: Micro Mp3 Player Descr iption: A simple Mp3 Player for a simple man. Base on article by:BLaZe found http://www.codeproject.com/audio/mp3player.asp This file came from Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source code You can v
- Title: [ Animated Sliding Form ] Descr iption: This is an example of a new style form animation.Check this now. ## I Need your feedback. ## This file came from Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source code You can view c
- 利用OpenGL模拟太阳系星球运转 Title: OpenGL with VB6 Author: Saadat Ali Shah Email: shahji_2000@yahoo.com Environment: VB 6.0, Win98/Me/XP Keywords: OpenGL, multiple viewports, mouse picking Level: Intermediate Category: VisualBasic/Graphics/OpenGL
- Registry Code Sample for Visual Basic 5 - By Jelsoft Enterprises If you have any problems using this sample, or would like to ask a question, please E-Mail me at: vbw@jelsoft.com Downloaded from Jelsoft Vb-World at http://www.jelsoft.com/
- vc++6.0+gdal开发的聚类算法的COM组件,可在vb或.Net中直接调用。其中包含的聚类算法有:K-Means,ISODATA等,可对Image影像进行聚类处理。-vc++6.0 development of COM components clustering algorithm can vb or. Net direct call. Which includes the clustering algorithm are: K-Means, ISODATA, etc.
- 这个使用VB做的流程图处理,同时还可以渲染,转自:http://www.mndsoft.com
- AE开发实例,梁爽整理制作 来自网站:http://www.coolgis.com.cn-AE development examples, Liang Shuang finishing production from the website: http://www.coolgis.com.cn
- GIS制图应用取线文件名到属性,方便做图。VB+MAPGIS组件试开发-Get File Name to Attributes of file,make graphic conviniently,vb+mapgis com development.
- Apisoft VB 曲线控件 6.0 Apisoft Data analysis Activex 提供了91种二维和三维的图表样式,并提供了30种数学和统计函数供您选择,支持无限个多轴线及21种候选颜色。Apisoft Data analysis Activex 是一个使用XP基本风格(线图,条形图,区域图,饼状图,点图) 计和运行时均易于使用Apisoft Data analysis Activex 包含强大而全面的针对几乎所有的控件和子控件的编辑器对话框。这些编辑器在程序设计和运行时都可使
- ColorPicker7,色彩拾取器,Adobe PhotoSho效果的,全功能bete版本-Descr iption: ColorPicker Adobe PhotoShop Style. A fully functioning Beta version. Updated the html-help file but I can t manage to make the browser boot yet. Stay tuned. This file came Planet-Source
- Most Advanced GDI+ Color picker control-Title: Most Advanced GDI+ Color picker control (***ScreenShot***)) Descr iption: The most advanced colour picker user control. See screen shot. A test program also included. Also demonstrates the drawing capa