- 需要注意的地方: 使用VC++6.0做开发工具, 采用简单的SDI框架结构 ,一次处理一幅位图(有兴趣的可以作成MDI) 1)位图信息的数据是从左下往右下为一行,一行一行往上排的。 2)每行像素应该是4的倍数,不足的地方用空点补齐,读的时候注意跳过冗余点。 3)主要数据都存在Doc里面,BMP的主要数据存在一个由ImgData指向的BYTE型的内存空间(根据位图的大小,动态分配的)。 4)数据读进来以后,注意向内存中贴图,以保证刷新的效率。 5)程序执行流程 应用程序生成--》
- csharp实现的图片特效 App.ico AssemblyInfo.cs bin WaterEffectDemo.csproj WaterEffectDemo.csproj.user WaterEffectDemo.sln WaterEffectForm.cs WaterEffectForm.resx WaterEffectPictureBox.cs WaterEffectPictureBox.resx readme.txt-csharp ac
- Creation of Multiple Dynamic Views. How to initilize and use additional different views in your MDI app by using Doc view architecture. Example code of OpenGL window and a Dialog window-Creation of Multiple Dynamic Views. How to initilize and use add
- 关于图形学中的Canvas程序的例子,里面有2个文件,APP,D-graphics on the Canvas procedures example, there are two documents, APP, D
- Ascii Generator dotNET (ascgen2) is an application to convert images into high quality ASCII art - text that accurately represents the original image. The first program of its kind to support variable width fonts, and real-time output adjustment. -As
- 读BMP文件,只能打开256色 (可以是灰度) 显示和内存贴图技术 关于调色板: 调色板实际上是一个数组,4个BYTE 分别是 B,G,R,和 Reserved 每一个像素点都有一个相应的数组。 关于VC和windows 的绘图机制: 使用GDI(图形设备接口)对象,通常使用CDC 类,CPaintDC也一样(device-context)设备上下文 windows下的MFC编程机制,消息驱动,事件等待! 全局的app(应用程序对
console app to draw with opengl
- console app to draw with opengl
- Project to develop xVRML specs & related s/w tech. VRML97 put 3D worlds on the net & xVRML evolves it w/ Schema-based re-definition. Schema forms base for spec docs & model of the data in a VR world, as well as dev of tech-demo app & plugin s/w.
- 达芬奇DM6446实时视频sobel边缘检测代码,包括codec,DSP Server 和app程序,DM6446 DaVinci sobel edge detection in real-time video source, including codec, DSP Server and app process
- Davinci DM365 搭配MT9P031 Sensor的视频监控器的应用端软件代码,运行于MontaVista Linux,包含了对各种视频图像编解码的算法调度实现,The application src of Davinci DM365 packed with MT9P031 Sensor,runing on MontaVista Linux,includes the algorithm realization for multi-format video
- Add the ISampleGrabberCB to the main class of your app: TForm1 = class(TForm, ISampleGrabberCB) You have to create the following in your main class: Private FSampleGrabber : IBaseFilter m_SampleGrabber: ISampleGrabber function SampleCB(Sa
- samsung camera app best camera app source code
- products maintanence a-products maintanence app
- JAVA编写的RGB色彩空间转换到CMYK的程序-a app which can transform RGB colorspace into CMYK
- 处理jpeg文件的程序 -The app for processing jpeg file
- Shape matching algorithm is widely used in many app lications of the content2based retrieval, however, due to large data amount of the video stream and the computation of p rocessing,-Shape matching algorithm is widely used in many app lications o
- 来源于网上,基于WPF和ArcEngine9.3开发,实现地图浏览等基本功能。-Microsoft’s WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) provides the facility to host windows Forms controls within a WPF application. This sample demonstrates how to host ArcGIS Engine Map control, Toolbar control a
- 这个程序demo了怎样使用glCopyToTexture函数绘制。这个纹理是应用在一个立方体上的。-This app demonstrates how to render to a texture using the glCopyToTexture function. I have used one of my old projects to create a interesting effect (Blending colors). This is rendered to a viewport
- android 学习的经典资料,适合新手。-android study material.
- Android平台的APP代码(Eclipse,ADT),实现了基本3D对象(点,线,面,体)的绘制,单指与双指操控,包含三维的各种变换:平移,旋转,缩放,透视,是学习动画与仿真的入门代码.(Android platform APP code (Eclipse, ADT), to achieve the basic 3D object (point, line, surface, body) rendering, refers to a single and double finger mani