- 基于高速数字信号处理器(DSP) 和大规模现场可编程门阵列( FPGA) ,成功地研制了小型 化、低功耗的实时视频采集、处理和显示平台. 其中的DSP 负责图像处理,其外围的全部数字逻辑功能都集成在一片FPGA 内,包括高速视频流FIFO、同步时序产生与控制、接口逻辑转换和对视频编/ 解码器进行设置的I2 C 控制核等. 通过增大FIFO 位宽、提高传输带宽,降低了占用EMIF 总线的时间 利用数字延迟锁相环逻辑,提高了显示接口时序控制精度. 系统软件由驱动层、管理层和应用层组成,使得硬件管
- Windows平台的2D Game实例1, 使用了C++和OpenGL.这个souce不但是OpenGL技术,还可以学习到两个方面的技术: part1: win32的消息循环, OpenGL的设置.画一些简单的图形. part2: 处理并且显示卡通图片. -This source focuses on 2D game development with C++ and OpenGL for Windows platform. We will not only focus on Ope
- openGl engine code written by c++ and has a lot of functionality ... for example the camera. and the object move in infinite loop-openGl engine code written by c++ and has a lot of functionality ... for example the camera. and the object move in
- openGl engine code written by c++ and has a lot of functionality ... for example the camera.and the object move in infinite loop-openGl engine code written by c++ and has a lot of functionality ... for example the camera.and the object move in infini