- JPEG文件转换为RAW格式,c语言函数库。-JPEG file format conversion of RAW, c language libraries.
- 7wave.c是小波变换的源程序程序,97wave.exe是用Lccwin32编译的可执行文件,lena512.raw是测试图像数据,可用potoshop打开,97.bat是可直接执行的批处理文件.希望对小波变换的同仁有所帮助! -7wave.c wavelet transform is the source procedures 97wave.exe is Lccwin32 compiler executable file lena512.raw test image data can b
- 小波变换源代码 wav_basic.c: basic filtering, decimation and upsampling routines. wav_basic.h: interface to wav_basic.c. wav_trf.c: transform routines. wav_trf.h: interface to wav_trf.c. wav_filters.h: where filter banks and their properties are de
- wav_basic.c: basic filtering, decimation and upsampling routines. wav_basic.h: interface to wav_basic.c. wav_trf.c: transform routines. wav_trf.h: interface to wav_trf.c. wav_filters.h: where filter banks and their properties are de
- purpose converts raw YUV (4:2:2) image to PPM image, can handle frame offset compile gcc -g -o yuvmstoppm yuvmstoppm.c -lppm -lpgm -lpbm -lm -purpose converts raw YUV (,4 : 2) PPM image to image, can handle frame offset compile gcc-g-o yuvms
- purpose computes PSNR between two raw YUV images compile gcc -g -o cmp_yuv cmp_yuv.c -lpgm -lpbm -lm -purpose computes PSNR between two raw YUV i mages compile gcc-g-o cmp_yuv cmp_yuv.c - lpgm - lpbm - lm
- 读取原始的Odetics图像,输出PGM格式图像----This is C-code which will read in a raw Odetics image,split it into range and reflectance images, and write them out in PGM format.
- c++ mfc rgb reader可以用來讀取RAW檔案,c++ mfc rgb reader can be used to read RAW files
- 各种基本图像处理功能:1、格式转换:将RAW格式转换成BMP格式;2、线性变换;3、图像平滑;4、图像增强;5、边缘检测:梯度算子,Robert梯度算子,Prewitt算子,Laplacian算子,Sobel算子,Marr算子;6、直方图显示;7、形态运算(二值化、腐蚀、膨胀、开运算、闭运算);8、自动分类及类别提取:K均值分类。其中:仅能对灰度图处理,6.8不仅能处理灰度图还能处理彩色图,Basic image processing functions: 1, forma
- 利用OpenGL根据.raw作为高度图文件绘制地形,按键f为GL_FILL模式,按键l为GL_LINE模式,m为纹理贴图的地形,c为自己设置颜色的地形,h和t切换不同的地形.-The use of OpenGL in accordance with. Raw height map as a document mapping the topography, key f for GL_FILL mode l for GL_LINE mode button, m for the texture map
- Canon CR2 Raw File Format JPEG converter implementation
- vtk c#.net 显示RAW数据-vtk c#. net show the RAW data
- 将raw图像文件信息读入,然后进行中值滤波,并生成新文件的c语言代码。-Raw image file information to be read, and then median filtering, and generates a new file c language code.
- Fisher fractal encoder This package contains the following files: enc.c Dr. Fisher encoder C source patched to compile on PCs. dec.c Dr. Fisher decoder C source patched to compile on PCs. enc.exe 32 bit executable: enc.c compiled with M
- 这是一个命令行的ANSI C程序,从原材料转换成照片在任何数码相机运行任何操作系统的任何计算机上。-This is a command-line ANSI C program to convert raw photos from any digital camera on any computer running any operating system.
- 实用visual c++开发工具读取raw文件的相关方法和代码-read RAW file under the c++ environment
- 移动立方体法实现三维重建,可以运行的,不过RAW格式要8位的(marchingcubes 3Dreconstruction)
- 2D图像重建3D,通过取单张或者多组普通2D图片,来作为原始素材(By taking a single or multiple common set of pictures, as raw material, processing and reconstruction of the 3D model is obtained)
Digital Image Processing
- 1.RAW格式转换为BMP格式 2.灰度线性拉伸 3.局部处理 4.几何处理 5.二值化 6.模板匹配 7.影像融合(1.RAW format converted to BMP format 2. grayscale linear stretch 3. local processing 4. geometric processing 5. binaryzation 6. template matching 7. image fusion)
- 实现将RAW格式的图片转换为BMP格式的图片(Implement a picture in a RAW format to a BMP format)