- we use GUIDE to creat a GUI in which we load two images ,convert to binary images and calculates the percentage match.This is gud for studying image procssing for beginners. i think this coudl be modified better and hardware interfaced for clinic
- Grms is a solution to control PCs(max 300) in Internet Cafe,PC-Bang and so on.
- 许多朋友希望我能介绍一下视频的编程,时下视频聊天几乎成了网吧老板们制胜的法宝,自己的软件嵌入 视频通信方式又显得那么酷,而一个摄像头只需要百来块钱。本软件功能上可以实现视频采集、预览,选 择压缩器(视频文件可是大得惊人!)进行压缩、解压,回放。抓取单帧图片保存等。-Many friends want me to be able to tell us about the video programming, video chat nowadays seems to have b