- 自己做的一个物理实验小程序,模拟点电荷电力线的试验-doing a physics experiment of small programs, simulated point charge of the power line test
- 具体的说明文件在压缩包里面都有了.本代码来自德国的免费下载,如果作商业用途,请与该机构联系.-specific note of the compression packages have the inside. The code from Germany to download free of charge. If for commercial purposes, please contact the agency.
- 首先对图像网格化,选择网格坐标位置作为标记种子点添充目标物体。matlab -first images of the grid, select grid coordinates position as a marker seed Tim charge of target objects. Matlab
- 利用hough做边缘检测use hough charge round in matlab,
- This program is provided to you free of charge \"as such\".You should not assume that this program is error-free or suitable for any purpose whatsoever. | | EURESYS does not give any representation, warranty or undertaking that this | | program i
- 常见的地图GIS二次开发有ARCGIS、MO、AO、MAPX、MapXtreme、ASPMAP,但是对于我们初接GPS/GIS项目的人来说,最头痛的问题是无法解决地图,调用GOOGLE的SDK就可以免费使用GOOGLE的免费地图资源,快速构建自己的GIS系统。这项技术可以应用于交通、运输、物流、安防、城市规划、城市管理、林业、农业、工业、灾难指挥、地震灾难等许多行业。采用这种方法应付毕业论文时最省事了,连数字化地图的步骤都省了,别人开发GIS系统要几个月,用GOOLE二次开发,只要短短的几天。我
- 三维重建的收费论文和书籍,很难下载到的,学习三维重建技术的人不下会后悔的,-Three-dimensional reconstruction of the charge papers and books, it is difficult to download to learn three-dimensional reconstruction of high-skilled people will be sorry,
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- Mick West制作的烟雾流体物理动画(Fluid Physics Example)模拟效果程序,带有工文件,本代码基于DirectX,可以用VS.net编译运行,代码中有编译指导,并且附件中带有可执行程序,可以直接运行并实时操作。-This source code is Mick West s Fluid Physics Example. It is a smoke simulation code project based on DirectX. Permission is hereby
- matlab下的jpeg2k,免费使用,无需账号即可下载-matlab under jpeg2k, free of charge, no account can download
- The QTouch™ devices are charging a sense electrode of unknown capacitance to a known potential. The electrode is typically a copper area on a printed circuit board. The resulting charge is transferred into a measurement circuit. By measuring the
- 本文是关于图、图论的简明扼要的总结,对于临时充电的软件行业专业人员快速掌握图论方面的知识较为有用。-This article is about the chart, graph theory, a concise summary of the interim charge for the software industry professionals to grasp the knowledge of graph theory is more useful.
- Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) is an Open Source, free of charge graphic library. AGG doesn t depend on any graphic API or technology. Basically, you can think of AGG as of a rendering engine that produces pixel images in memory from some vectorial data.
- This software is provided free of charge. As such, the authors assume no responsibility for the programs behavior. While they have been tested and used in-house for three years, no claim is made that biased ARTMAP implementations are correct or bug-f
- 某商场有一个100个车位的停车场,当车位未满时,等待的车辆可以进入并计时;当车位已满时,必须有车辆离开,等待的车辆才能进入;当车辆离开时计算停留的的时间,并且按照每小时1元收费。 汽车的输入信息格式可以是(进入/离开,车牌号,进入/离开时间),要求可以随时显示停车场内的车辆信息以及收费历史记录。 -A mall with a 100 parking spaces in the parking lot, when the spaces below, the waiting time of
- 基于WebGIS的交通运行轨迹动画演示 WebGIS GPS 轨迹 商用 定位 跟踪 在WebGIS地图上,加载gps轨迹库,以动画的形式演示车辆运动过程。 本程序自带shp地图,以动画的形式绘制轨迹。 开发环境是vs.net2008。Webgis组件采用aspmap。这个免费组件可以在本站搜索下载。 资源名称为:“小巧的webgis控件,支持高性能的AJAX,可商业应用”-The animated cartoon demonstrates commercial WebGIS
- 基于WebGIS最短路径的搜索算法 WebGIS 最短路径 商业应用 智能算法 在WebGIS上,搜索两个信息点之间的最短路径。本程序自带shp地图,可将计算结果演示。 开发环境是vs.net2008。Webgis组件采用aspmap。这个免费组件可以在本站搜索下载。那个资源名称为:“小巧的webgis控件,支持高性能的AJAX,可商业应用” 该源码也可用于毕业论文写作参考,毕业答辩的演示之用.-WebGIS most fault route-based algorithmic
- Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) is an Open Source, free of charge graphic library, written in industrially standard C++. The terms and conditions of use AGG are described on The License page. AGG doesn t depend on any graphic API or technology. Basically,
- 点电荷在两无限大均匀电介质中的电场及电位移矢量.图像显示是VC+OpenGL-Point charge in two infinite uniform dielectric the electric field and electric displacement vector. Image display is VC+ OpenGL
- 本文提出一种基于核方法的下视等分辨率景象匹配算法. 通过模拟电荷吸引模型, 提出了计算不等维高维数据相似度的SNN 核函数. 将图像中的特征点映射到径向基向量(Radial basis vector, RBV) 空间, 利用SNN 核函数计算两个特征点集的相似度及过渡矩阵. 利用置换测试模块来增强SNN 核的稳定性, 以确保输出解的可靠性. 实验证明, 基于SNN 核的景象匹配算法对图象畸变、噪声干扰与信号缺失具有很强的鲁棒性, 并可保证高精度与高实时性. -This paper prese