- 利用Opengl设定MFC的视图环境,三维显示三维数据,处理大量点云数据的显示旋转、平移、缩放等-use Opengl set MFC View environment, three-dimensional display of 3D data, handling a large number of point cloud data show rotation, translation, zooming, etc.
- 读取LIDAR的点云数据,并且可以显示出来。,Read the LIDAR point cloud data, and can be displayed.
- 在VS2008和opencv下,对2D/3D点(云)数据实现三角剖分,运算速度快,实时性好,计算精度高,并对三角剖分进行了优化,可以处理复杂点集的三角剖分,可以用于人脸识别的工作-In the VS2008 and opencv, the pairs of 2D/3D points (cloud) data to achieve triangulation, calculation speed, real-time performance is good, high precision, and
- hadoop是众所周知的云计算平台,hadoopGIS是基于hadoop进行云GIS试验的成果,实现在云环境下的数据存储、读取等功能-hadoop is well known cloud computing platform, hadoopGIS for cloud hadoop GIS based on test results, achieved under the cloud of data storage, reading and other functions
- vc++下,通过纹理贴图实现动态的云彩, 云彩在一个有限的平面上,用OpenGL实现,该程序可以自动生成纹理数据。-vc++ through texture mapping implementation of dynamic clouds, clouds in a limited plane, using OpenGL implementation, the program can automatically generate texture data.
- this a visual c + + code for point cloud triangulation, i tried it and it works really in a very good way -this is a visual c++ code for point cloud triangulation, i tried it and it works really in a very good way
- 根据标靶的坐标(控制点),运用高斯-约当法进行矩阵的求逆和转换,进行三维点云数据的配准,输入数据文件在压缩包中有原例,请参考!-In accordance with the target coordinates (control points), the use of Gauss- Jordan method of matrix inversion and transformation, three-dimensional point cloud data registration, enter
- VTK+MFC单文档下读取点云数据,并且实现三维重建。是一个很不错的学习VTK的示例程序。-VTK+ MFC single document to read point cloud data, and the realization of three-dimensional reconstruction. Is a very good example of procedural learning VTK
- 利用Visual C++读取点云数据用于曲面的三维重建-Visual C++ to read the use of point cloud data for three-dimensional surface reconstruction
- 实现了点云的三维网格化重建,并附上了些测试点云数据-Realized three-dimensional grid point cloud reconstruction, along with some test point cloud data
- QT and VTK test using Contour Filter to mesh 3D point cloud data set from file.
- 本程序轻松快捷的实现了点云数据的读取和显示,适用于PTX和TXT格式的点云数据读取。-This program quickly and easily implement a point cloud data read and displayed for PTX and TXT format to read the point cloud data.
- 很多时候我们获取的信息信号都是很离散的信号,比如大地高程测量时的成果测网,纸质各种参数曲线的数字化数据等等,靠大量增加采样点的方法不现实而且会超乎想象的增加处理的计算量,通过趋势分析插值的方法可以使得数字化的模型更逼近原始模型,但是终归于这些离散数据是要通过一种方式在电脑中成为一种整体数据,不管是2d还是3d。-3D cloud data
- 点云数据读取,3D/2D,供学习参考使用-cloud data read
- 本程序实现对.txt格式的点云数据的分割处理。本程序可以实现对点云数据的二等分、四等分和八等分等等。-This procedure is to achieve the segmentation of point cloud data processing. This program can be the bisection of the point cloud data, quartered and eight equal portions.
- 基于VC++ 和OpenGL 的点云数据三维读取与显示经过测试可执行-Read and display of three-dimensional point cloud data based on VC++ and OpenGL executable tested
- 可以实现点云数据的读入,大家也可以根据需要自行修改其中的一些代码-Can achieve the reading point cloud data, we may also need to modify some of the code
- 标准3D模型点云数据,包含海豚、兔子、猫咪三个原始模型的点云数据-Standard 3D model point cloud data, including dolphins, rabbits, cats three original model point cloud data
- 处理云图数据,通过对云图加伪彩色便于观察分析,并且图像处理中设计了漫游、放大、缩小等功能,以便能对云图的全局或局部进行观察、分析。-cloud data processing, through the cloud plus pseudo-color for easy observation and analysis, and image processing design roaming, zoom and other functions, in order to be able to clou
- 此代码基于c++标准库,opencv和pcl点云库,可实现对摄像头调参,调用摄像头视频并读取画面中点的三维坐标获取点云数据-This code is based on c++ standard library, opencv and pcl point cloud library, can achieve the camera tuning, call the camera video and read the middle of the screen coordinates of the th