- 维则克方块:黑白递归调用。这是小弟学分形学是做的VC++ WIN32+GDI 编程;-peacekeeping grams squares were : black and white recursive call. This is the brother-credit study is done VC WIN32 GDI programming;
- 众所周知,一般而言,在 Flash5 中是无法制作透明动画的,除非把 SWF文件放到网页上去,但那样形成的透明效果是HTML代码的功劳,与 Flash无关,所以这篇文章介绍的Flash透明效果也不是指把SWF文件的背 景弄成透明,而是指动画中的物体自身的透明,具体地说,就是制作一个旋 转的地球仪,并且使得地球仪在旋转的过程中,地球的正面和背面都得以同 时展示。 -known, in general, the Flash5 is not transparent animation producti
- This sample illustrates how to extend the Vega Scenegraph by deriving a custom node, and how to extend the vsb loader infrastructure be able to read and write the newly derived node type. Additionally the sample demonstrates how to encrypt a scenegra
- 程序] 文本文件和二进制文件读写 --C语言 /* 程序说明: 实现对账户信息的添删查改操作 从一个文本文件 data.txt 读取数据,然后写入一个二进制文件 credit.bf 文件中 */
- 直方图是多种空间域处理技术的基础。直方图操作能有效地用于图像增强。这个代码是我根据课本写的,整理了一下教案,教案里有详细原理和实验里有详细步骤。辛苦了好长时间的东西啊,没功劳也有苦劳啊!-Histograms are a variety of spatial domain processing technology foundation. Histogram operation can be effectively applied to image enhancement. This code
- The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 1: In this lesson, the basic components of a JOGL program explained. Window production and camera positioning means gluLookAt () are explained. In addition,we create the basis for our example GL_QUA
- The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 2: The second lesson deals with the production of geometric primitives with GLU and GLUT. Credit goes to http://www.jogl.info
- The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 3: The third lesson we learn about the lights.We treat different types of lights and how to generate one. Then we use this to our scene to light. Credit goes to http://www.jogl.info
- The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 4: The fourth lesson covers materials that we can use to spice up our scene. Different materials are presented and explained their use. Credit goes to http://www.jogl.info
- 人脸识别是近年来模式识别、图像处理、机器视 觉、神经网络以及认知科学等领域研究的热点课题之 一。作为生物特征识别的一个重要方面, 人脸识别在 档案管理系统、安全验证系统、信用卡验证、公安系统 的罪犯身份识别、银行和海关的监控、人机交互等领域 具有广阔的应用前景。与指纹识别、视网膜识别、虹膜 识别等技术相比, 人脸识别技术在数据采集方面手续 比较简单, 使用者更容易接受。-Face recognition in recent years, pattern recogni
- 人脸识别因其在安全验证系统、信用卡验证、医学、档案管理、视频会 议、人机交互、系统公安(罪犯识别等)等方面的巨大应用前景而越来越成为 当前模式识别和人工智能领域的一个研究热点。-Face verification system for its security, credit card verification, medical, records management, video conferencing, human-computer interaction, system
- 一幅彩色图像数字化后,在显示时颜色经常看起来不正常,这是色通道的不同敏感度、增光因子和偏移量等原因导致的,称其为三基色不平衡。将之校正的过程就是彩色平衡。-A color image digital, the display color often does not look normal, this is a different color channel sensitivity causes credit to the factor and offset, called trichromat
- 人脸识别因其在安全验证系统、信用卡验证、医学、档案管理、视频会议、人机交互、系统公安(罪犯识别等)等方面的巨大应用前景而越来越成为当前模式识别和人工智能领域的一个研究热点。-Face recognition because of its great future security verification systems, credit card verification, medical records management, video conferencing, human-compute
- 计算机图形学分形几何程序。根据输入的生长规则,可以绘制出分形树。可以控制迭代的次数。-Credit-shaped geometry computer graphics program. According to the growth rule entered, you can draw a fractal tree. You can control the number of iterations.