- CAD Import VCL 6.1 New features: - AutoCADÖ DWG 2007 file format is supported. - AutoCADÖ PROXY (including AEC) entities are supported. - HPGL/HPGL2 file format - Bezier splines are supported. - DXF loading has been optimiz
- 图像的灰度化、二值化和反色是些较简单的图像像素处理过程,我在《GDI+ 在Delphi程序的应用 -- ColorMatrix与图像灰度化》和《GDI+ 在Delphi程序的应用 -- 图像二值化》-procedure ImageDynamTwoValues(Data: TImageData SubSize: Integer) var Sub: TImageData GrayData: TGrayStatData x, y: Intege
- FastReport\ ae 4.0 VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate \par reports quickly and efficiently. \par FastReport\ ae provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual \par report designer, a rep