CAD_Import_VCL_v6.1. CAD Import VCL v6.1
- CAD Import VCL v6.1 是一套非常好用的图形处理控件(带源码),用于DELPHI,C++Builder ,只要简单几行代码便可轻松获得CAD软件的显示效果.还可处理多种常见图片格式., CAD Import VCL v6.1 is a very easy to use graphics processing control (with source) for DELPHI, C++ Builder, a simple few lines of code can be
- CAD Import vcl 提供对AutoCAD的DWG, DXF 以及Hewlett-Packard 的HPGL文件格式的支持的控件-CAD Import vcl
- 干净的OpenGL解决问题的VCL / CLX ,包括OpenGL的API的接口, OpenGL的小工具,矢量和矩阵数学例程,和其他基本物品。旨在提供一个方便,干净启动为OpenGL项目用Delphi或Kylix -A clean OpenGL solution on VCL/CLX, including the OpenGL API interface, the OpenGL Widget, vector & matrix math routines, and other basic stuf
- CAD Import VCL 6.1 New features: - AutoCADÖ DWG 2007 file format is supported. - AutoCADÖ PROXY (including AEC) entities are supported. - HPGL/HPGL2 file format - Bezier splines are supported. - DXF loading has been optimiz
- VCLfullscreenD3D - this sample shows how to use Delphi VCL dialogs in Direct3D 9.0 fullscreen mode.
- FastReport\ ae 4.0 VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate \par reports quickly and efficiently. \par FastReport\ ae provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual \par report designer, a rep
- Diagram Designer (Delphi VCL)
- Vcl Skin for Delphi XE 10.1