- 本程序实现的功能是车辆检测,通过序列图像来检测车辆的数量和区分车辆的大小。本程序在vc.net上实现。-this program is the function of vehicle testing, through sequences of images to detect vehicles and the number of vehicles the size distinction. The procedures in vc.net achieve.
- 微扑翼飞行器(FMAV)是一种模仿鸟类或昆虫飞行的新概念飞行器,根据拍摄的视频图像,按照计算机视觉理论设定了适用于微扑翼飞行器的运动模态检测方案。VC++6.0平台上进行了编程实现。经过试验可以看出这种模态检测方法的可行性和准确性,其结果对微扑翼飞行器的优化改进起到了积极的作用。 -Flapping-wing aircraft (FMAV) is a kind of mimic the flight of birds or insects of a new concept vehicle,
- 改程序能够读取视频文件并且可以检测到运动的物体,配置好opencv后可以直接运行,本程序以车辆监控为例子,所以可以用于智能监控-Reform program that can read video files and can detect movement of objects can be configured directly opencv run, the procedure for vehicle monitoring, for example, it can be used for i
- 摘要:在交通场景下进行多目标跟踪时,如何正确检测出车辆间的相互遮挡是影响车辆跟踪结果的关键。针对问题,运用投 影理论分析交通场景的三维几何投影特征.用长方体投影轮廓模型对车辆进行建模,重构其乏维投影轮廓,以进行遮挡的检 测和分离。与以往的方法相比,它在估计出的车辆外形轮廓基础t-进行遮挡检测,不需要匹配操作,计算量较小,并能解决 基于匹配的方法无法对付的初始遮挡问题。用实验验证了该算法的有效性。-In multi—object tracking of traf氍c scene。how
- 此代码是在matlab上实现车辆预测跟踪,根据c均值算法测出当前车辆中心,根据αβγ滤波预测下一状态的中心-This code is a matlab forecast track to achieve vehicle, according to c means algorithm to detect the current vehicle center, according to projections αβγ filter the center of the next state
- 基于mfc的车辆检测程序,利用帧间的变化来检测,适合初学图像的同学学习-Mfc-based vehicle detection program to detect changes in the use of frames, suitable for beginners to learn the image of the students
- 本程序在视频流中检测道路线标记,并强调该车辆的行驶线。这些信息可以被用来检测车辆的意外离开并发出警告。-This demo detects road lane markers in a video stream and highlights the lane in which the vehicle is driven. This information can be used to detect an unintended departure from the lane and issu
- 文章提出了一种车牌照字符倾斜的校正方法, 该方法基于Hough 变换和Radon 变换。用Hough 变换检测车牌照上下两边,并对水平倾斜的牌照进行水平校正, 再用Radon 变换检测字符垂直倾斜角度并进行垂直校正, 实验结果表明车牌图像经过二次校正大大减少了字符切分的困难, 有利于后面字符的正确识别。-This paper presents a vehicle license plate characters tilt correction method based on Hough tran
- :提出了一种在固定摄像头拍摄的车辆图像序列中检测出运动车辆并识别其车辆类型的系统结构和基 于Sobel 边缘细化提取车型特征的新方法-: A shot in the fixed-camera image sequences to detect vehicles moving vehicles and identify the type of vehicle architecture and models based on Sobel edge extracting detailed char
- 传统的背景帧差法采用的是背景图像与当前帧图像的灰度差值来实现。但是当车辆与背景的灰度非常接近时,容易-Three difference method to quickly and effectively from the background and detect moving targets, the effect is better than a continuous two differential faster. Traditional background frame differen
- 根据在十字路口实际情况及车辆闯红灯的特点,本文提出了一种车辆检测算法,该算法是基于首先在检测区域检测到移动车辆然后通过处理进一步分析车辆运动的趋势。-According to the practice of crossroads and the characteristics of vehicles running red-light, this paper presents a vision vehicle detection algorithm based on detection
- 车辆牌照自动检测识别的matlab源码,运行速度很快-Vehicle license automatically detect recognition matlab source code, run fast
- 基于帧间差分的方法用于检测场景中的运动车辆,采用Visual C++和OpenCV实现,程序有详细注释,并且附带测试视频,希望对大家有帮助。-The movement of vehicles based on frame difference method is used to detect scene using the Visual C++ and OpenCV realization procedures detailed notes, and come with a test video
- 此程序可适用车联网图像处理中,检测前方车辆中车来位置,画出车牌区域,为后续检测车距提供参考目标-This procedure is applicable vehicle networking image processing to detect the position of the vehicle in front of the car to draw plate area, to provide a reference for subsequent detection of the targ
- 车牌识别技术(Vehicle License Plate Recognition,VLPR) 是指能够检测到受监控路面的车辆并自动提取车辆牌照信息(含汉字字符、英文字母、阿拉伯数字及号牌颜色)进行处理的技术。车牌识别是现代智能交通系统中的重要组成部分之一,应用十分广泛。它以数字图像处理、模式识别、计算机视觉等技术为基础,对摄像机所拍摄的车辆图像或者视频序列进行分析,得到每一辆汽车唯一的车牌号码,从而完成识别过程。-License plate recognition technology (VLP
- 使用bp神经网络算法来进行车辆的识别检测,通过使用该方法,可以在简单背景下检测出运动的车辆-Use bp neural network algorithm to detect vehicle identification, by using this method, the motion of the vehicle can be detected in a simple background
- 能实现直线型车道线的有效检测,利用改进的hough变换和区域生长方法,提高检测的准确性。-Can be achieved effectively detect lane straight line, with improved hough transform and region growing methods to improve detection accuracy.
- 运用车底阴影特征实现图片中的前方车辆检测(Use vehicle shadow feature to detect vehicle in front of image)
Detect Vehicles
- 车辆检测算法,使用聚类外观模型特征的方法实现。(Vehicle detection algorithms are implemented using cluster appearance model features.)
- 一个检测车速程序,结合高斯混合模型和光留法(a simple program to detect vehicle speed based on OpenCV C++)