- 使用最新的opengl扩展fbo编写的程序,该扩展提供了替代pbuffer的功能,使MRT的实现更加方便。使用vc6和ogl2.0编写。-use the latest expansion FBO opengl prepared by the procedures, the extension provides alternative pbuffer function, the MRT achieve more convenient. Use vc6 and ogl2.0 prepared.
- 用于对空间数据的投影变换。共实现了Albers、Lambert、高斯-克吕格、UTM和Mercator五种投影的正反变换。有需要函数使用说明的可通过EMail向作者索取。-right spatial data for the projection transformation. The total amount of Albers, Lambert, Gaussian - Krger, UTM and five Mercator projection transform the pros. Th
- Delphi + OpenGL编写的类似于赛车路面的延伸的程序,可以教会大家怎么去画弯曲的管道及进行大量的重复贴图计算-Delphi OpenGL similar to the preparation of the extension of road racing procedures, how we can go church painting curved pipe and a lot of repeat mapping calculation
- 用C语言编写的小波处理程序。 用的是 DB4小波,周期延拓,可以实现精确重构的。-C language prepared by the wavelet processing. The DB4 is a wavelet, cycle extension, can achieve a precise reconstruction.
- 影像處理.膚色辨識.邊緣化.侵蝕.擴建.影像處理.膚色辨識.邊緣化.侵蝕.擴建-image processing. Color identification. Marginalization. Erosion. Extension. Image processing. Color identification. Marginalization. Erosion. Extension
- Spectral Clustering Embedding Extension聚类算法,主要用于图像处理-Spectral Clustering Embedding Extension clustering algorithm, mainly for image processing
- 给定n维空间中的m个非空点集S1,…,Sm,如果直线L与每个点集均有公共点,则称L为这m个点集的一条直线穿越(line transversal 或 stabbing line)。同样,如果线段K(本文中的线段均指闭线段,且包括单点集)与每个点集均有公共点,则称K为这m个点集的一条线段穿越(segment transversal 或 stabbing line segment)。穿越的概念是海莱定理(Helly’s theorem)的延伸,它的存在性等问题一直是计算几何中海莱类定理(Helly-t
- 小波变换的C源代码。 这个用的是 DB4小波,周期延拓,可以实现精确重构的。 -wavelet transform C source code. The DB4 is using the wavelet cycle extension can achieve precise reconstruction.
- Visual C++ 数字图像处理典型算法及实现-光盘资源 是Visual C++数字图像获取、处理及时间应用的扩展补充版,包括其没有的图像旋转,图像配准等-Visual C typical digital image processing algorithm and implementation-CD resources are Visual C digital map like the acquisition, processing and application of the extens
- bmpext_src.zip Bitmap usage extension library Classes included All class declarations are included in the bmpext.h header. Device dependent bitmap (DDB) extension class CDDBDrawEx:-bmpext_src.zip Bitmap usage extension li brary Classes in
- The code uses following libraries: - extgl extension loading library - DevIL for texture loading - Nate s simple font library Rendering has following features: - 3 texture layers: base, detail and bump - Indexed vertex arrays
- When you need raw polygon-pushing power, you can always utilize the optimizations provided by OpenGL. Vertex Arrays are one good way to do that. For even more boost you can use a recent extension to graphics cards called Vertex Buffer Objects . The e
- Author: ChaiShushan (chaishushan@gmail.com) Links http://www.opencv.org.cn/ http://opencvlibrary.sourceforge.net/ http://code.google.com/p/opencv-extension-library/ -Author: ChaiShushan (chaishushan@gmail.com) Links http://www.opencv.org
- OpenGl 在VS上面的扩展包,直接点开运行即可。-SharpGL 2.0 Visual Studio Extension
- C动画扩展图像编程设计经典代码C Programming classic animated image code extension -C Programming classic animated image code extension
- 镜像延拓处理经验模态分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition,EMD)时的端点效应。-Mirror extension handle end effects of empirical mode decomposition (Empirical Mode Decomposition, EMD)
- 1矩阵扩展对称与多小波正交对称和它的应用程序。2010 -汉壮族-1 Matrix Extension with symmetry and its applications to symmetric orthonormal multiwavelets. 2010-Han-Zhuang
- 9 Matrix extension with symmetry and construction of biorthogonal multiwavelets. 2010-Zhuang-MatExtBiorth.p-9 Matrix extension with symmetry and construction of biorthogonal multiwavelets. 2010-Zhuang-MatExtBiorth.p
- 15A Unitary Extension Principle for Shearlet Systems 0912.4529-15A Unitary Extension Principle for Shearlet Systems 0912.4529
- 8Matrix Extension with Symmetry and Its Application to Filter Banks 1001.1117-8Matrix Extension with Symmetry and Its Application to Filter Banks 1001.1117