- 利用快速傅立叶变换实现了人脸表情图像的Gabor变换的快速算法 针对不同尺度的Gabor小波特征采用不同的下采样因子来对Gabor变换特征进行第一次降维 利用一种改进的核鉴别分析方法对Gabor特征进行二次特征提取-using fast Fourier transform of Facial Expression Gabor transform the image of the fast algorithm for different foot the Gabor wavelet cha
- 主程序为 Tsai 参考 TestData 以了解调用方法 Ncx,Nfx,Cx,Cy,dx,dy,sx 七个参数可以这样得到: Ncx,Nfx,sx 简单的设为1。 Cx,Cy 设为像素中心,也即是如果图像是800×600,那就设为400、300。 但我的例子中的值是用其它的方法标定出来的。可以参考Tsai的另外一篇论文: Techniques for Calibration of the Scale Factor and Image Center fo
- 梯度SENSE算法恢复医学核磁共振图像,分析了不同降采因子根均方误差不同。-Gradient SENSE algorithm to restore the medical magnetic resonance images, analysis of the different drop mining factor of the root mean square error.
- 对应分析,包括Q因子分析和R因子分析,用于对数据各因子间的关系和分类-Correspondence analysis, including the Q factor analysis and R factor analysis, the data for the relationship between each factor and classification
- 这是一个MATLAB工具箱包括32个降维程序,主要包括 pca,lda,MDS等十几个程序包,对于图像处理非常具有参考价值- ,This Matlab toolbox implements 32 techniques for dimensionality reduction. These techniques are all available through the COMPUTE_MAPPING function or trhough the GUI. The following techn
- UGENE is a free cross-platform genome analysis suite. Main features: Multiple sequence alignment using MUSCLE 3,4 and KAlign HMM profiles build and search, based on the source of HMMER 2 and HMMER 3 PCR Primers design using Primer 3 Pr
- 近几年,随着医学影像学的不断发展进步,使数字化摄 影系统cR和DR得到广泛的普及和应用。同传统的屏一胶 体系相比,计算机摄影无疑有着诸多的优点,同时其影像质 量也越来越引起广泛的关注,而伪影是影响DR影像质量的最大因素,只有分析伪影产生的各种因素,才能更好消除其影响,增加成像质量,提高诊断准确率。-In recent years, with the continuous development of medical imaging advances, making digital p
- GIS系统,包括各种因子分析和二维空间分析-GIS systems, including factor analysis and two-dimensional spatial analysis
- 灰色关联分析Matlab实现(基于灰色关联法的军车事故因素分析)-Grey relational analysis ( Matlab implementation based on grey correlation analysis method of vehicle accident factor analysis )
- The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is one of the most successful techniques that have been used in image recognition and compression. PCA is a statistical method under the broad title of factor analysis. The purpose of PCA is to reduce the la
- Quality of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images is very sensitive for both pulse signal spectrum purity and stability of the radar platform flight path. In this paper detailed influence of this factors on SAR images quality is analyzed. Analysis
- 指出了城市的主要污染物长期以来对城市居民造成了直接的危害,为更好地反映其污染变化趋势、加强污染防治工作和预防严重污染事件的发生,研究了污染预测方法,开展了污染预报工作。借助于MATLAB极强的非线性处理能力,来解决大气环境主要污染物自身复杂多变的问题,探讨了将MATLAB技术应用到空气污染的主份因子分析及预测领域中。-Pointed out that the city has long been the main pollutants of urban residents a direct ha
- 多元变化检测(MAD)、最大自相关因子(MAF)、典型相关分析(CCA)、主成份分析(PCA)的Matlab代码-Matlab code to perform multivariate alteration detection (MAD) analysis, maximum autocorrelation factor (MAF) analysis, canonical correlation analysis (CCA) and principal component analysis (PC
- 由于大气的散射作用,雾天的大气退化图像具有对比度低、景物不清晰的特点,给交通系统及户外视觉系统的应用带来严重的影响。但由于成像系统聚焦模糊、拍摄场景存在相对运动以及雾天等不利环境,使得最终获取的图像往往无法使用。为了解决这一问题,设计图像复原处理软件。 要求完成功能: 1、 采用直方图均衡化方法增强雾天模糊图像,并比较增强前后的图像和直方图; 2、 查阅文献,分析雾天图像退化因素,设计一种图像复原方法,对比该复原图像与原始图像以及直方图均衡化后的图像; 3、 设计软件界面 -
- 稀疏表示用于人脸识别,采用SDR方法,文字发表在IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE顶级期刊,影响因子4.75.-Sparse representation for face recognition, the use of the SDR method, text published in the IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intell
- 用于降维的matlab工具包,包括PCA,LDA,LLE,等-Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Probabilistic PCA Factor Analysis (FA) Classical multidimensional scaling (MDS) Sammon mapping Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA
- 数字处理课程设计的程序,里面包括有褶积滤波,快变滤波,褶积滤波与递归滤波的比较,设计高通滤波因子,分析补零对振幅谱的影响,线性褶积和循环褶积,最小平方反滤波,零相位转换,最小相位转换,对地震记录进行静校正11个程序-Digital Processing course design program, which includes the convolution filter, quick change filter, compare convolution filtering and recurs
- 因子分析法 可用于图像处理 较少的因子描述最多的信息-Factor analysis method can be used to describe the most of the factors that are less in image processing.
- Part of the license plate recognition locator feature, Including principal component analysis, factor analysis, Bayesian analysis, Based on negative entropy largest independent component analysis.
- Including principal component analysis, factor analysis, Bayesian analysis, Complete class-based image processing, contains all of the source code, auto image, Including single sideband, double sideband, suppressed carrier and quadruple.